Systematics & Taxonomy
- A Basic Guide to Phylogenetic Analysis
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists
- Cladestore- An electronic source of data matrices from published cladograms
- Cladestrat- data base contains results of tests to compare cladograms with stratigraphy
- Cladistics - Speciation Model
- Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification
- ETI - World Taxonomist Database
- Glossary of Phylogenetic Systematics
- Introduction to Phylogenetic Systematics
- Journey into the World of Cladistics
- On Taxonomy and Cladistics
- PhyloCode - formal set of rules governing phylogenetic nomenclature. It is designed to name the parts of the tree of life by explicit reference to phylogeny (i.e., using phylogenetic definitions for taxon names). The present version deals only with the naming of clades but the goal is to add rules for species in a later version.
- Phylogeny programs
- SASB Cladistics Glossary
- Sistematica filogenetica
- Systematics
- Systematic and Evolutionary Paleontology Department, Institute of Paleobiology - Polish Academy of Sciences
- Taxonomy and Systematics at Glasgow
- Taxonomy Classifying Life
- Taxonomy Lab - The Nuts & Bolts of Taxonomy and Classification
- The Compleat Cladist
- The Systematics Association
- Treebase A Database of Phylogenetic Knowledge
- What is Cladistics