- A Mathematical Model of the Effects of Screen Size on Zooarchaeological Relative Abundance Measures
- Archaeofaunal Relative Abundance, Sample Size, and Statistical Methods
- Archaeological Thin-Section Laboratory
- Archaeology, Faunal Analysis and Interpretation:
Lessons from Maya Studies
- Archaeozoological research on red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) from Croatian archaeological sites
- Archaeozoology in New Zealand
- Archaeozoology of Lazaret Cave (Nice, France)
- Bioarchaeology Bibliography
- Birmingham Zooarchaeology Laboratory (BZL)
- Cetacean Zooarchaeology Research Network
- Dental Microwear
- Directory of Zooarchaeologists
- Faunal Remains from Shikarpur, a Harappan Site in Gujarat, India
- Geo/Arch/Sci Blog - News and reviews in Geoarchaeology & Archaeological science
- Holocene distribution of European bison – the archaeozoological record
- Hyenas and Hunters: Zooarchaeological Investigations at Prolom II Cave, Crimea
- Indiana University Zooarchaeology Laboratory
- International Conference Zooarcaeology in Greece - Recent Advances
- International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ)
- Measuring Skeletal Part Representation in Archaeological Faunas
- Prey Body Size and Ranking in Zooarchaeology: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Applications from the Northern Great Basin
- Recent developments in archaeozoological research in Slovenia
- Species identification in archaeology
- Transvaal Museum - Archaeozoology Department
- Zooarcheological Evidence for the Faunal Exploitation Behavior of Neandertals and Early Modern Humans
- Zooarchaeology
- Zooarchaeology and taphonomy
- Zooarchaeology List Serv: ZOOARCH
Books about archaeozoology