Fossil molluscs
- 3D Stereo Microscopy : Micro-fossils - Gastropods
- A late Burdigalian bathyal mollusc fauna from the Vienna Basin (Slovakia)
- A Late Cretaceous Aporrhaidae-dominated gastropod assemblage from the Gosau Group of the Pletzach Alm near Kramsach (Tyrol, Austria). With an appendix on the taxonomy of Mesozoic Aporrhaidae and their position in the superfamily Stromboidea
- A Middle Miocene freshwater mollusc assemblage from an intramontane Alpine lake (Aflenz Basin, Eastern Alps, Austria)
- A multidisciplinary study of Late Jurassic bivalves from a semi-enclosed basin: Examples of adaptation and speciation and their stratigraphic and taphonomic background (Lusitanian Basin, central Portugal)
- A new bivalve community from the lower Ludlow of the Prague Basin (Perunica, Bohemia)
- A new Early Devonian palaeozygopleurid gastropod from the Prague Basin (Bohemia) with notes on the phylogeny of the Loxonematoidea
- A new family of giant Jurassic-Cretaceous littorinoid gastropods from the northern Tethys shelf
- A new rissoid gastropod with lecithotrophic development from the Miocene of Paratethys
- A New Species of Angariid Gastropod from the Early Thanetian of the Haymana-Polatlı Basin, Turkey
- A New Species of Polyconites from the Lower Aptian of Iberia and the Early Evolution of Polyconitid Rudists
- A palaeontological database of Rudist Bivalves
- A revision of the Pliocene naticids of northern and central Italy. III. The subfamilies Poliniceinae and Sininae
- A Synoptical Classification of the Bivalvia (Mollusca)
- Agriopleura Morphotypes of the Lower Aptian Shu’aiba Formation of Saudi Arabia
- Alain Denis
- Albian Rudist Fauna from the Karaburun Peninsula, İzmir Region, Western Turkey
- Ampullinid Gastropod Globularia (Swainson 1840) from the Late Thanetian-Early Ilerdian Kırkkavak Formation (Polatlı-Ankara) of the Tethyan Realm
- An addition to the Tonnoidean gastropods of the Middle Miocene Paratethys: the genus Pisanianura Rovereto, 1899
- Aporrhaidae - Site about recent and fossil gastropods of the family Aporrhaidae.
- Assessing the fidelity of the fossil record by using marine bivalves
- Badenian Small Gastropods From Lapugiu De Sus (faget Basin, Romania). Rissoidae Family
- Biostratigraphic Studies and Correlation of Tertiary Planktonic Gastropods (Pteropods) From Hungary
- Biostratigraphic Value Of The Taxa Zagrabica, Radix And Melanoides Identified In The Neogene Deposits From The Dacic Basin
- Biostratigraphy of some mollusc-bearing middle Miocene localities on the Karaman high plain (Turkey, Konya Province)
- Bivalve Pholadomya gigantea in the Early Cretaceous of Argentina: Taxonomy, taphonomy and paleogeographic implications
- Bivalves from the Middle Miocene reefs of Poland and Ukraine: A new approach to Badenian/Sarmatian boundary in the Paratethys
- Bivalves from the Middle Ordovician Šárka Formation (Prague Basin, Czech Republic)
- Bivalvia
- Blending Rudists with Technology; Non-destructive Examination of the Internal and External Structures of Rudists Using High Quality Scanning and Digital Imagery
- Body size and invasion success in marine bivalves
- Campanian Pseudosabinia from the Pučišća Formation on the island of Hvar (Adriatic Sea, Croatia)
- Campanian-Maastrichtian Pseudosabinia from Turkey: Descriptions and Taxonomic Problems
- Carbon and oxygen stable isotopes of selected Cenomanian and Turonian rudists from Egypt and Czech Republic, and a note on changes in rudist diversity
- Cenomanian−Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) gastropods from the Sergipe Basin, north-eastern Brazil
- Changes in Paratethyan marine molluscs at the Early/Middle Miocene transition - diversity, palaeogeography and palaeoclimate
- Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Middle Miocene sandy facies of Ukraine, Central Paratethys
- Circum-Mediterranean Oligo/Miocene Biogeographic Evolution - the Gastropods' Point of View
- Climate change, species range limits and body size in marine bivalves
- Computer-based mollusc stratigraphy - a case study from the Eggenburgian (Early Miocene) type region (NE Austria)
- Conus Catalogue Title
- Description and classification of Late Triassic Neritimorpha (Gastropoda, Mollusca) from the St Cassian Formation, Italian Alps
- Dictyoptychus Douvillé: Taxonomic Revision, Phylogeny and Biogeography
- Die Molluskenfauna im Sarmat des Wiener Beckens
- Distribution and Abundance of Rudist Bivalves in the Cretaceous Platform Sequences in Egypt: Time and Space
- Earliest Jurassic patellogastropod, vetigastropod, and neritimorph gastropods from Luxembourg with considerations on the Triassic–Jurassic faunal turnover
- Early Cenomanian (Cretaceous) inoceramid bivalves from the Kronsberg Syncline (Hannover area, Lower Saxony, Germany): stratigraphic and taxonomic implications
- Early ontogeny and paleoecology of the Miocene rissoid gastropods of the Central Paratethys
- Early Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) Molluscs From Racastia (Romania)
- Early Triassic gastropods from Salt Range, Pakistan
- Ecological fidelity of open marine molluscan death assemblages: effects of post-mortem transportation, shelf health, and taphonomic inertia
- Epidiceras (Bivalvia, Hippuritoidea) from the Tithonian–Berriasian Torinosu-type Limestones of the Sakawa Area, Southwest Japan
- Evolution and classification of Mesozoic mathildoid gastropods
- Evolutionary history of relict Congeria (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae): unearthing the subterranean biodiversity of the Dinaric Karst
- Explosive demographic expansion by dreissenid bivalves as a possible result of astronomical forcing
- Facies, Sequence Framework, and Evolution of Rudist Buildups, Shu’aiba Formation, Saudi Arabia
- Faunal dynamics of bivalves and scaphopods in the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland
- Faunal dynamics of gastropods in the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland
- First evidence for distribution of Maastrichtian inoceramid bivalves in the Yankovo Formation from the East Fore-Balkan (Bulgaria)
- First record of the bivalve species Parvamussium fenestratum (Forbes, 1844) from the Middle Miocene of the Paratethys
- Fossils Homepage, M.N.H.N. - An illustrated database on French Tertiary Fossils
- Fossil Holoplanktonic Mollusca
- Fossil Miocene Mollusca
- Fossil Shells - General Survey Collections
- Gastrobase- database of known occurrences of gastropod genera at the stage level for the Permian and Triassic Systems
- Gastropod succession across the Early-Middle Frasnian transition in the Holy Cross Mountains, southern Poland
- Gastropoda
- Gastropods
- Gastropods from the Early/Middle Jurassic transition of Franconia (Southern Germany)
- Gastropods from the Norian (Late Triassic) Nayband Formation near Natanz (Iran)
- General trends in predation and parasitism upon inoceramids
- Geographic Variation in the Molluscan Recovery from the End-Cretaceous Extinction
- Geographical range and speciation in fossil and living molluscs
- Geography of End-Cretaceous Marine Bivalve Extinctions
- Identify bivalves
- Inoceramid and foraminiferal record and biozonation of the Turonian and Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Mangyshlak Mts., western Kazakhstan
- Inoceramids and inoceramid biostratigraphy of the Upper Campanian to basal Maastrichtian of the Middle Vistula River section, central Poland
- Inoceramids from the Upper Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian of the Tercis section (SW France), the Global Stratotype Section and Point for the Campanian – Maastrichtian boundary; taxonomy, biostratigraphy and correlation potential
- International Fossil Shell Museum
- Larval Ecology, Geographic Range, and Species Survivorship in Cretaceous Mollusks: Organismic versus Species-Level Explanations
- Late Campanian Rudist Assemblages and Biometrical Analysis of Pseudopolyconites from Bačevica (Eastern Serbia)
- Late Triassic bivalves associated with a hydrothermal vent system in the Yidun Island Arc (SW China) of the eastern Tethys
- Late Visean–Early Namurian Bivalves From the Zonguldak Coal Basin, Northwestern Turkey
- Les fossiles du bassin de Paris - gasteropods and bivalves from eocene era in France
- Lower Oligocene bivalves of Ramanian Stage from Kachchh, Gujarat, India
- Maastrichtian Rudist Fauna from Tarbur Formation (Zagros Region, SW Iran): Preliminary Observations
- Malacological Journals and Newsletters Online Database
- Mathesia Mainelli (Hippuritoidea, Monopleuridae) from the Late Aptian−Albian of the Mediterranean Region: A Revision
- Michigan Mollusc collection
- Middle Miocene (Badenian) gastropods from Korytnica, Poland; Part IV – Turridae
- Middle Miocene (Badenian) gastropods from Korytnica, Poland; Part V Addenda et Corrigenda ad Prosobranchia
- Minute patellogastropods (Mollusca, Lottiidae) from the Middle Miocene of Paratethys
- Mollia
- Mollusc-based statistics in an endemic marine system as tool in paleoecology and stratigraphy
- Mollusca - Tree of life
- Mollusca in marginal marine and inland saline aquatic ecosystems – examples of Cretaceous to extant evolutionary dynamics
- Molluscan fauna from the Miocene sediments of Kachchh, Gujarat, India – Part 3. Gastropods
- Molluscan Paleoecology Databases
- Molluschi del Pliocene Italiano
- Molluscs as a major part of subtropical shallow-water carbonate production - an example from a Middle Miocene oolite shoal (Upper Serravallian, Austria)
- Mollusc based Biostratigraphy of the Clay Pit Mataschen in the Styrian Basin (Pannonian)
- Molluscs from Early Frasnian Goniatite Level at Kostomłoty in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland
- Morphology and Function of the Upper Valve of Vaccinites vesiculosus (Woodward)
- Morphology and taxonomy of Late Badenian to Sarmatian Mohrensternia (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) of the Central Paratethys
- Morphology, Taxonomy and Lifestyle of the Maastrichtian Rudist Bivalve Thyrastylon
- Muddy bottom of Lake Pannon - a challenge for dreissenid settlement (Late Miocene; Bivalvia)
- Nassariid assemblages from the Korytnica Clays – a useful tool for local stratigraphic correlation
- Neogene dreissenids in Central Europe: evolutionary shifts and diversity changes
- Neogene Persististrombus (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in the Paratethys Sea
- Neogene strombid gastropod Persististrombus in the Paratethys Sea
- Nerinacean Gastropods - Gallery of Józef Wieczorek - An Independent Geologist
- New Congerian Species and Their Similarity with Congeria banatica from the Pannonian Sediments in Northern Croatia
- New data on the terrestrial gastropods from the Oligocene-Miocene transition in the Valley of Lakes, Central Mongolia
- New Early Jurassic gastropods from west-central Patagonia, Argentina
- New observations on the inoceramid biostratigraphy of the higher part of the Upper Turonian and the Turonian – Coniacian boundary transition in Poland
- Nomenclatorial rectifications and comments on some European Neogene nassariid and buccinid Gastropoda (Prosobranchia: Nassariidae; Buccinidae)
- Numerical Ages of Selected Rudist Bivalvia: Preliminary Results
- Oldest evidence of non-coaxial shell heterostrophy in the Class Gastropoda
- Oligocene Gastropod Faunas of the Eastern Mediterranean (Mesohellenic Trough/Greece and Esfahan-Sirjan Basin/Central Iran)
- Olividae and Olivellidae Lifedesk - Mollusca
- Ontogeny and Funtional Morphology of a Lower Cretaceous Carpinid Rudist (Bivalvia, Hippuritoida)
- Palaeontology and biostratigraphy of the Middle– Upper Coniacian and Santonian inoceramids of the US Western Interior
- Palaeontology and stratigraphy of the inoceramid species from the mid-Turonian through upper Middle Coniacian in Japan
- Paläoökologie und Fazies der Rudistenkalke der Unteren Gosau Subgruppe von Brandenberg (Tirol, Nördliche Kalkalpen)
- Paleobiological patterns in Paratethyan molluscs
- Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction by stable isotopes of Middle Miocene Gastropods of the Central Paratethys
- Pannonian Molluscs from the sections Richardhof and Eichkogel in the Vienna Basin (Austria, Late Miocene)
- Pannonian Palaeoecology and Biostratigraphy of Molluscs from Kostanjek - Medvednica Mt., Croatia
- Pectinid bivalves from the Grund Formation (Lower Badenian, Middle Miocene, Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep) - taxonomic revision and stratigraphic significance
- Pelecypoda
- Phenotypic evolution in a fossil gastropod species lineage: evidence for adaptive radiation?
- Phenotypic evolution in a venerid bivalve species lineage from the late Middle Miocene Central Paratethys Sea: a multi-approach morphometric analysis
- Phylogenetic Relationships of the Earliest Anisostrophically Coiled Gastropods
- Propeamussiidae, Inoceramidae, and other Bivalvia from the Lower Cretaceous Puez Formation (ValanginianeCenomanian; Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy)
- Protoconch characters of Late Cretaceous Latrogastropoda (Neogastropoda and Neomesogastropoda) as an aid in the reconstruction of the phylogeny of the Neogastropoda
- “Pseudo-Sarmatian” mollusc assemblages from the Early Messinian oolite shoals of Sicily (Italy)
- Quantifying molluscan body size in evolutionary and ecological analyses: maximizing the return on data-collection efforts
- Quantitative Ecological and Taphonomic Patterns in Late Cenozoic Mollusk-Dominated Marine Fossil Assemblages
- Quantitative Studies of Late Neogene Coastal Environments Using Bivalve Subfossil and Fossil Assemblages
- Relationships of the Triassic Eucycloidea Koken, 1897 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) to modern genera such as Pagodatrochus, Calliotropis and Euchelus, based on morphology of the early shell
- Rudiste (in italian)
- Rudists and the Pacific in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous
- Rudists re-examined
- Shallow-water gastropods from Late Oxfordian sands in Kłęby (Pomerania, Poland)
- Shell beds of diceratid rudists ahead of a low-energy gravelly beach (Tithonian, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria): Palaeoecology and Taphonomy
- Shell repair and shell form in Jurassic pleurotomarioid gastropods from England
- Shifts in oxygen and carbon isotope signals in marine molluscs from the Central Paratethys (Europe) around the Lower/Middle Miocene transition
- Silurian Bivalvia from Chichagof Island, Southeast Alaska (Alexander terrane)
- Silurian Kenzieana Liljedahl, 1989 (Bivalvia, Spanilidae) from Bohemia, Gotland and Sardinia
- Silurian Spanila Barrande, 1881 (Bivalvia, Spanilidae) from European peri-Gondwana (Bohemia, Germany, France, and Austria)
- Small-scaled environmental changes: indications from stable isotopes of gastropods (Early Miocene, Korneuburg Basin, Austria)
- Spatiotemporal signals and palaeoenvironments of endemic molluscan assemblages in the marine system of the Sarmatian Paratethys
- Species–genus ratios reflect a global history of diversification and range expansion in marine bivalves
- Stratigraphic Position Of The Late Cretaceous Inoceramids From The Olăneşti – Cheia Basin (Southern Carpathians)
- Survey of the Nassariid Gastropods in the Neogene Paratethys
- Systematic Paleontology of the Earliest Gastropods
- Taphonomy and paleoecology of the Lower Badenian (Middle Miocene) molluscan assemblages at Grund (Lower Austria)
- Taphonomy of spectacular shell accumulations from the type stratum of the Central Paratethys stage Eggenburgian (Early Miocene, NE Austria)
- Taxonomic implications of the residual colour patterns of ampullinid gastropods and their contribution to the discrimination from naticids
- Taxonomy and palaeobiogeography of the Cenozoic Euro-Mediterranean rissoid gastropod Galeodinopsis and its relationship with close genera
- Taxonomy of Rudists from the Campanian Transgressive Sediments of Brašljevica, Donje Orešje and Sv. Martin, Northern Croatia
- Texas Fossils: Snails
- Thanetian Gastropods from the Mesopotamian High Folded Zone in N-Iraq
- Triassic Gastropods of the Southern Qinling Mountains, China
- Trochidae (Archaeogastropoda) from the Campanian of Torallola in northern Spain
- Turonian inoceramids and biostratigraphy of the Sergipe Basin, northeastern Brazil: an integrated study of the Votorantim and Nassau quarries
- Uppermost Ordovician bivalves from the Prague Basin (Hirnantian, Perunica, Bohemia)
- Virtual Silurian Reef - Gastropods
- Wolfgang Fischer's Homepage
- Worldwide distribution of the modiomorphid bivalve genus Caspiconcha in late Mesozoic hydrocarbon seeps
Books about fossil mollusks
The Evolutionary Biology of the Bivalvia Bivalves are the key components of Recent marine and freshwater ecosystems and have been so for most of the Phanerozoic. Their rich and long fossil record, combined with their abundance and diversity in modern seas, has made bivalves the ideal subject of palaeobiological and evolutionary studies. Despite this, however, topics such as early evolution of the class, relationships between various taxa and the life habits of some key extinct forms have remained remarkably clear.In the last few years there has been enormous expansion in the range of techniques available to both palaeontologists and zoologists and key discoveries of new faunas which shed new light on the evolutionary biology of this important class.This volume integrates palaeontological and zoological approaches and sheds new light on the course of the bivalve evolution. This series of 32 original papers tackles key issues including: up to date molecular phylogenies of major groups; new hard and soft morphological cladistic analyses; reassessments of the early Palaeozoic radiation; important new observations on form and functional morphology; analyses of biogeography and biodiversity; novel (palaeo)ecological studies. |
Southern Hemisphere Palaeobiogeography of Triassic-Jurassic Marine Bivalves Palaeobiogeography is a complex subject which processes information provided by both Biology and Earth Sciences. It is conceptually and philosophically equivalent to neobiogeography. Nevertheless, its methods are somewhat different, since it is limited by the incompleteness of the fossil record. On the other hand, it has direct access to the time dimension, a key ingredient of organic evolution. Mesozoic benthonic mollusks, and especially bivalves, have a great potential for palaeobiogeographical analysis due to their commonly good preservation, abundance, diversity and high dispersion potential at the larval stage. From a merely descriptive point of view, the analysis of their distribution shows latitudinal gradients and distributional patterns, both at regional and global scales, which are the basis for the recognition of biochoremas or palaeobiogeographical units of different ranks. Moving forward towards a causal palaeobiogeography, these organisms also provide interesting insight into particular biogeographical questions, such as bipolarity and its origin. The evolution in time of the recognized biochoremas can be discussed in relation to palaeoclimas and extinction events. Finally, some of the results obtained from the analysis of the distribution of past bivalve biotas were even used to propose and discuss the development of marine corridors and argue about the distribution of continents in the past. |