Geology of Europe
- 2nd International Workshop "Neogene of Central and South Eastern Europe" - Kapfenstein (Styria, Austria), 17 - 21. May 2007
- 4th International Workshop on the Neogene from the Central and South-Eastern Europe - Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), September 12-16, 2011
- 5th International Workshop on the Neogene from the Central and South-Eastern Europe - Varna (Bulgaria), May 16-20 2013
- Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaridic orogenic system: Correlation and evolution of tectonic units
- Alpine evolution and hydrocarbon geology of the Pannonian Basin: an overview
- Alpine plate kinematics revisited: The Adria problem
- An introduction to the structural geology of the western Alps
- Anorogenic Cenozoic Volcanism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, Petrogenetic modelling
- Astrochronology of the Mediterranean Miocene: Linking palaeoenvironmental changes to gateway dynamics
- Atlas of the present-day geodynamics of the Pannonian basin
- Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association
- Carpathian Geodata - International Conference
- Comparison of lithology and tectonometamorphic evolution of units at the northern margin of the Moldanubian Zone: implications for geodynamic evolution in the northeastern part of the Bohemian Massif
- Comprehensive interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies in Carpathian–Pannonian Region
- Connections Between Sedimentary Basins During Continental Collision - How Tectonic, Surface and Sedimentary Processes Shaped the Paratethys
- Crustal structure in the Carpatho-Pannonian region: Insights from three-dimensional gravity modelling and their geodynamic significance
- DANREG - Danube Region Environmental Geology Programme
- Deformation of the Pannonian lithosphere and related tectonic topography: a depth-to-surface analysis
- Devonian-Carboniferous pre-flysch and flysch environments in the Circum Pannonian Region
- Direct intercalibration of radio-isotopic and astronomical time in the Mediterranean Neogene
- Divergent Continental Margins of the Jurassic Proto-Pannonian Basin: Implications for the Petroleum Systems of the Vienna Basin and the Moesian Platform
- Dynamics and stress field of the Eurasian plate: A combined lithosphere-mantle approach
- Euro-Ages - European Accredited Geological Study Programmes
- EuroGeoSurveys - organisation of 33 European Geological Surveys
- European Federation of Geologists
- Evolution of the Mesozoic basins on the southwestern edge of the East European Craton (Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania)
- Evolution of the western Black Sea: Kinematic and sedimentological inferences from geological observations and analogue modelling
- Extensional Collapse of the Alpine Orogene and Hydrocarbon Prospects in the Basement and Basement Fill of the Western Pannonian Basin
- First International Workshop - "Mesozoic Sediments of Carpatho-Balkanides and Dinarides"
- Forum of the European Geological Surveys Directors - an unformal group which is supposed to provide the Directors with an unofficial platform for exchanging the ideas on the status of the national geological surveys
- Geodynamic Evolution of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Beneath the Alboran Region of the Western Mediterranean - Constraints from Travel Time Tomography
- GEODE Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinarides Project
- Geodynamic evolution of the orogen: the West Carpathian and Ouachitas case study
- Geological Processes in the Mediterranean and Black Seas and North East Atlantic
- Geology and Hydrocarbon Systems in the Western Black Sea
- Geology of the Alps - Gallery of Józef Wieczorek - An Independent Geologist
- Geology of the Caucasus: A Review
- Geology
of Europe - Gallery of Józef Wieczorek - An Independent
- Great Caucasus (Cavcasioni): A Long-lived North-Tethyan Back-Arc Basin
- IGCP Project No.369 - Comparative Evolution of PeriTethyan Rift Basins
- IGME 5000 International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas
- Improved geophysical image of the Carpathian-Pannonian Basin Region
- Jurassic Evolution of the Tectonostratigraphic Units of the Circum-Pannonian Region
- Kinematic reconstruction of the Mediterranean region since the Triassic
- Laminated sediments as archives of short timescale climate change and palaeoceanography of the Mediterranean
- Late Carboniferous-Neogene geodynamic evolution and paleogeography of the circum-Carpathian region and adjacent areas
- Late Variscan (Carboniferous to Permian) environments in the Circum Pannonian Region
- LGCA Laboratoire de géodynamique des chaînes alpines (UJF)
- Lithospheric structure of Central Europe: Puzzle pieces from Pannonian Basin to Trans-European Suture Zone resolved by geophysical-petrological modeling
- Long-period orbital climate forcing. Cyclostratigraphic studies of Cenozoic continental and marine successions in Europe
- Metamorphic Map and Database of Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaride Area
- Messinian salinity crisis: chronology and paleoenvironment in the (circum-) Mediterranean area
- Middle Miocene climate transition in the Central Mediterranean
- Neotectonics and surface processes: the Pannonian Basin and Alpine/Carpathian System
- NorFa - The Nordic Network on the Transition from Orogenic to Anorogenic Magmatism in the Fennoscandian shield
- Oligocene-Middle Miocene depositional sequences of the Central Paratethys and their correlation with regional stages
- OneGeology-Europe- aims to create dynamic digital geological map data for Europe
- Palaeoceanography of the Miocene Mediterranean Sea and Paratethys: Regional ocean modelling of the response to closure of the Tethys Seaway
- Paleogene–early Miocene igneous rocks and geodynamics of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian-Dinaric region: An integrated approach
- Paleomagnetic and geochronologic constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Central Dinarides
- Paleomagnetic and geochronologic constraints on the Miocene evolution of semi-isolated basins in southeastern Europe
- Pre-Alpide Palaeozoic and Mesozoic orogenic events in the Eastern Mediterranean region
- Pre-Jurassic Basement of the Greater Caucasus: Brief Overview
- Present-day stress field in the Pannonian Basin and the surrounding Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaric orogens
- ProGEO - European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage
- RCMNS Interim Colloquium - Paratethys-Mediterranean Interactions: Environmental Crises during the Neogene (Bucharest, Romania, 27th-30th of September 2012)
- Reconstruction of the Periadriatic Mesozoic Platforms through reflection seismic profiles and deep exploratory wells
- Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy
- Resolving the Variscan evolution of the Moldanubian sector of the Bohemian Massif: the significance of the Bavarian and the Moravo-Moldanubian tectonometamorphic phases
- South-Western Boundary of Central Paratethys
- Structure of the Alps
- Tectonostratigraphic terrane and palaeoenvironment maps of the Circum-Pannonian region (in Hungarian)
- Tethyan evolution of the Black Sea region since the Paleozoic: a paleomagnetic approach
- The isolation of the Pannonian basin (Central Paratethys): New constraints from magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy
- Triassic Evolution of the Tectonostratigraphic Units of the Circum-Pannonian Region
- Variscan and Alpine terranes of the Circum-Pannonian region
- XX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (Tirana, Albania 24-26 September 2014)
- XXVa Jornadas de la Sociedad española de Paleontología (Ronda (Malaga) 24 - 26 September 2009) - Annual Meeting of the Spanish Palaeontological Society
- - site about european fossils, information and collecting locations
- Basin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Plays in Albania
- Crustal structures beneath the seismogenic zones and lateral velocity contrasts across deep faults of Albania
- Deep Seated Platform Carbonate Reservoirs as New Hydrocarbon Plays in the NW Albania–Montenegro Segment of the Adriatic Region
- Evaporites in Albania and their impact on the thrusting processes
- Field Trip CBGA: Sedimentary Carbonate and Reservoir System in Albania
- From outcrop and petrographic studies to basin-scale fluid flow modelling: The use of the Albanian natural laboratory for carbonate reservoir characterisation
- From paleostresses to paleoburial in fold-thrust belts: preliminary results from calcite twin analysis in the outer Albanides
- Geochemical Interpretation of Albanian Crude Oils Based On the Engler Distillation Data
- Geology and petrology of ophiolitic sequences in Mirdita region (northern Albania)
- Geophysical outlook on structure of the Albanides
- Hydrocarbon exploration under Kruja zone in Tirana-Rodon area, Albania
- Hydrocarbon Generation Model of the Southern Adriatic Depression
- Hydrocarbon Potential of Albania
- Magnetobiostratigraphy of the Spathian to Anisian (Lower to Middle Triassic) Kcira section, Albania
- Mantle sources and magma genesis in the Albanide-Hellenide ophiolites: Implications for the Triassic-Jurassic geodynamic evolution of the Eastern Tethyan branch
- Meter-scale cycles as a proxy for the evolution of the Apulian Carbonate Platform during the late Cretaceous (Llogara Pass, Albania)
- Microfacies, Sedimentary Environments And Evolution of Carbonate Deposits Of Mirdita, Albania - Preliminary Note
- New evidences for Triassic morb magmatism in the Northern Mirdita Zone ophiolites (Albania)
- New ideas on the tectonic of the Kurveleshi anticlinal belt in Albania, and the perspective for exploration in its subthrust
- Petrogenesis and tectono-magmatic significance of volcanic and mantle rocks from the Albanian-Greek ophiolites :Implications for the Triassic-Jurassic evolution of the Dinaride Tethyan branch
- Role of morb and ssz magma-types in the formation of jurassic ultramafic cumulates in the mirdita ophiolites (Albania) as deduced from chromian spinel and olivine chemistry
- Skanderberg and Bulqiza Mafic-Ultramafic Ophiolitic Complexes and their relationships to chromititic ore deposits
- Structure of the ophiolitic beltin Albania inferred from geomagnetic anomalies
- Subsalt Depth Seismic Imaging and Structural Interpretation in Dumre Area, Albania
- Triassic MORB magmatism in the Southern Mirdita Zone (Albania)
- Triassic radiolarian assemblages in the Rubik area, and Cukali zone, Albania
- Uplift and active tectonics of southern Albania inferred from incision of alluvial terraces
- Austrian Geological Society
- Austrian National Committee of Geology
- Geological Survey of Austria
- A stratigraphic enigma: the age of the Neogene deposits of Graz (Styrian Basin; Austria)
- An Early Eocene Fauna and Flora from “Rote Kirche” in Gschliefgraben near Gmunden, Upper Austria
- An integrated stratigraphy of the Pannonian (Late Miocene) in the Vienna Basin
- AUSTROFOSSIL - aims to document all fossils described from Austria
- Biostratigraphy of Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) wetland systems in an Eastern Alpine Intramontane Basin ( Gratkorn Basin, Austria): the terrestrial gastropod approach
- Calpionellid and ammonite biostratigraphy of uppermost Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks from the Leube quarry (Northern Calcareous Alps, Salzburg, Austria)
- Cyclostratigraphy and Transgressions at the Early/Middle Miocene (Karpatian/Badenian) Boundary in the Austrian Neogene Basins (Central Paratethys)
- Deposition, Erosion and Hydrocarbon Source Potential of the Oligocene Eggerding Formation (Molasse Basin, Austria)
- Early Burdigalian infill of the Puchkirchen Trough (North Alpine Foreland Basin, Central Paratethys): Facies development and sequence stratigraphy
- Ecospace variability along a carbonate platform at the northern boundary of the Miocene reef belt (Upper Langhian, Austria)
- Ernstbrunn Limestone and Klentnice Beds (Kimmeridgian-Berriasian; Waschberg-Ždánice Unit; NE Austria and SE Czech Republic). State of the art and bibliography
- Facies and synsedimentary tectonics on a Badenian carbonate platform in the southern Vienna Basin (Austria, Central Paratethys)
- Fazies und Gliederung des Sarmats im Wiener Becken
- Foraminiferen und Phytoplankton aus dem unteren Sarmatium des südlichen Wiener Beckens (Petronell, Niederösterreich)
- GEOBASE Österreich
- Geochemistry and provenance of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Gosau Group around and beneath the Vienna Basin (Austria and Slovakia)
- High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in the Eastern Styrian Basin (Miocene, Austria)
- Hydrocarbon generation and migration from sub-thrust source rocks to foreland reservoirs: The Austrian Molasse Basin
- Initial phase of the early Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) transgression. Foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages from an incised valley fill in the Molasse Basin of Lower Austria
- Integrated high-resolution stratigraphy of a Middle to Late Miocene sedimentary sequence in the central part of the Vienna Basin
- Introduction to the geological zones of Austria
- Investigation of seismic reflectors in the lower lithosphere of the Eastern Alps and adjacent regions
- Karpatian of the Korneuburg Basin (Lower Austria)
- Late Pannonian Wetland Ecology of the Vienna Basin based on Molluscs and Lower Vertebrate Assemblages (Late Miocene, MN 9, Austria)
- LithStrat- Datenbank lithostratigraphischer Einheiten in Österreich
- Metamorphism in the Eastern Alps Field Trip Guide
- Molluscan-dominated benthic assemblages of the estuarine and shallow marine Upper Burdigalian deposits of the Korneuburg Basin in Lower Austria
- Multistratigraphic investigations of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval in the Gresten Klippenbelt (Austria) - evidence for depositional and evolutionary events
- Origin and Alteration of Natural Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons in the Austrian Molasse Basin
- Palaeoecology and biostratigraphy of the section Mühlbach (Gaindorf Formation, lower Middle Miocene, Lower Badenian, Austria)
- Paleoenvironment of an early Middle Miocene Paratethys sequence in NE Austria with special emphasis on paleoecology of mollusks and foraminifera
- Paläozoikumsforschung in Österreich
- Petrology and geochemistry of the Late Miocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks from Burgenland and SE Styria, Austria
- Plankton stratigraphy of the Santonian at Morzg, Salzburg (Gosau Group, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria)
- Post-Variscan to Early Alpine sedimentary basins in the Tauern Window (eastern Alps)
- Quantification of tectonic movement in the Vienna Basin
- Regional subsidence analysis in the Vienna Basin (Austria)
- Resedimented Upper Paleocene shallow-water clasts (Kambühel Formation) in the Zwieselalm Formation of the Weitenau area and their tectonic implications (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria)
- Sedimentologische und geochemische Untersuchung der Tiefbohrung Wattens I (Tirol)
- Sedimentologie und Sedimentpetrographie der Gosau-Gruppe bei Dreistetten-Muthmannsdorf (Niederösterreichische Kalkalpen)
- Sedimentology and modelling of the Mitterndorf Basin
- Sequence stratigraphy in a classic pull-apart basin (Neogene, Vienna Basin). A 3D seismic based integrated approach
- Shallow hydrocarbons in Lower Austria: A drilling hazard and a valuable exploration tool
- Stratigraphic and sedimentologic framework of fine-scale faunal replacements in the Middle Miocene of the Vienna Basin (Austria)
- Stratigraphy, lithofacies and geochemistry of the St. Veit Klippenzone and the Flysch units from the Lainz Tunnel, Vienna
- Stratigraphy and geochemical characterisation of Upper Cretaceous non-marine – marine cycles (Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group, Austria)
- Styrian Basin: a key to the Middle Miocene (Badenian/Langhian) Central Paratethys transgressions
- Thermal history of the Steinach Nappe (Eastern Alps) during extension along the Brenner Normal Fault system indicated by organic maturation and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- Transition Between the Massive Reef-Backreef and Cyclic Lagoon Facies of the Dachstein Limestone in the Southern Part of the Dachstein Plateau, Northern Calcareous Alps, Upper Austria and Styria
- Geological Survey of Belgium
- Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
- A sedimentary model of the Brussels Sands, Eocene, Belgium
- Belgian Minerals Web Site
- Belgian Shark Teeth
- National Commission of Stratigraphy of Belgium (NCS)
- Stratigraphy of the Lower Palaeozoic of the Brabant Massif, Belgium.Part I: The Cambro-Ordovician from the Halle and Ottignies groups
- Stratigraphy of the Lower Palaeozoic of the Brabant Massif, Belgium. Part II: The Middle Ordovician to lowest Silurian of the Rebecq Group
- Une introduction à la Geologie de la Wallonie
- Federal Institute for Geology
- A chronostratigraphy for the Dinaride Lake System deposits of the Livno-Tomislavgrad Basin: the rise and fall of a long-lived lacustrine environment
- A new Miocene lacustrine mollusc fauna of the Dinaride Lake System and its palaeobiogeographic, palaeoecologic, and taxonomic implications
- Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation of the Outer Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro)
- Conodont dating of the Lower Triassic sedimentary rocks in the External Dinarides (Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Fosilna flora i fauna Bosne i Hercegovine
- Fossils from the drill hole GS-1 near Gacko, SE Dinaric Alps
- Geodynamic evolution of the Central Dinarides
- Geological Guidebook Through Bosnia and Hercegovina
- Geology and Metallogeny of the Drina-Ivanjica Metamorphic Complex In Eastern Bosnia – Western Serbia
- Lower triassic platy limestone in the Jajce area (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Magnetostratigraphy and small mammals of the Late Oligocene Banovici basin in NE Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Marine to continental depositional systems of Outer Dinarides foreland and intra-montane basins (Eocene-Miocene, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Middle Miocene freshwater mollusk fauna of Lake Gacko (SE Bosnia and Herzegovina): taxonomic revision and paleoenvironmental analysis
- Note on the first fossil remains of a whale from northern Bosnia
- Palaeoenvironmental evolution of Lake Gacko (Southern Bosnia and Herzegovina): Impact of the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum on the Dinaride Lake System
- Paleoenvironmental dynamics in the southern Pannonian basin during initial middle Miocene marine flooding
- Paleomagnetic and geochronologic constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Central Dinarides
- Petrologic and geochemical characteristics of the Krivaja-Konjuh ophiolite complex (NE Bosnia and Herzegovina) - petrogenesis and regional geodynamic implications
- Provenance of the Bosnian Flysch
- Stable isotope composition of the Miocene Dinaride Lake System deduced from its endemic mollusc fauna
- Tectonostratigraphic model for the North Croatian and North Bosnian sector of the Miocene Pannonian Basin System
- Bulgarian Geological Society
- Bulgarian Mineralogical Society
- Geological Institute Strashimir Dimitrov Sofia, Bulgaria
- Alpine Metamorphism and Granitoid Magmatism in the Strandja Zone: New Data from the Sakar Unit, SE Bulgaria
- Amphibolite-facies metamorphic complexes in Bulgaria and Precambrian geodynamics: controversies and “state of the art”
- Balkan Fold-Thrust Belt: an overview of the main features
- Benthic foraminiferal morphogroups from the Paleocene of the coastal part of East Stara Planina Mts.
- Calcareous nannofossils and sequence stratigraphy of the Cretaceous/Tertiary transition in Bulgaria
- Cimmerian and alpine stratigraphy and structural evolution of the moesian platform (Romania/Bulgaria)
- Contribution to the stratigraphy of the Оligocene–Lower Мiocene sediments of the Bobovdol coal Basin (South-Western Bulgaria). Part 2 – Lithostratigraphy of the Chattian–Lower Miocene sediments
- Cumulate xenoliths series in the Krumovgrad alkaline basaltic and lamprophyric dykes: Evidence for the existence of layered plutons under the Eastern Rhodope metamorphic core-complexes, Bulgaria
- Cyclic climate and vegetation change in the late Miocene of Western Bulgaria
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Jurassic rocks in Western Bulgaria
- Deciphering the Variscan orogeny record in Bulgaria
- Etropole “nappe” or back-thrust/pop-up structure, timing and mechanism of formation, C–W Bulgaria
- Evidence for Permian-Triassic acid magmatism in the Central Balkanides
- First data on Early Cambrian acid magmatism in Central Stara Planina Mountain
- First magnetostratigraphic results of the Berriasian in the Western Balkan Mts, Bulgaria
- Generalization of geotectonic investigation implemented based on seismic stratigraphy in Bulgarian part of the Black sea
- Geochemical Appraisal of Hydrocarbon Generative Potential of Bulgarian Part from the Thrace Basin: ІІ. Cyclic Biomarkers
- Geodynamics and Evolution of Selected Ore Provinces of Bulgaria
- Geology and Hydrocarbon Systems in the Western Black Sea
- Geology Of The Heavy Oil In North Bulgaria - Past, Present And Future Use
- Givetian carbonate microfacies from the Totleben-2 well (Moesian Platform, central North Bulgaria)
- Gold, copper mining and geoarcheology in Central Bulgaria Field Trip Guide
- Heterogeny of the subthrust structures in front of a thin-skinned thrust belt – an example from the East Fore-Balkan
- Hydrocarbon Generation From Middle Triassic And Middle Jurassic Source Rocks In Central South Moesian Platform Margin – Modelling And Comparison
- IGCP 369 Peri-Tethys Rift Basins - Moesian Platform
- Interference between tectonic, ore-forming and magmatic processes during the Tertiary extensional exhumation in the Eastern Rhodope (Bulgaria): 40Ar/39Ar geochronology constraints
- Jurassic tectonics of Bulgaria and the adjacent areas
- Late Alpine deformations, Neotectonic evolution and Active tectonics of the southern border of Central Balkan Mountain: a new contribution
- Late Cretaceous subduction and magmatism in the Rhodopes: geochronological and isotope-geochemical evidence
- Late Miocene Palaeoclimate and Ecosystem Dynamics in Southwestern Bulgaria − A Study Based on Pollen Data from the Gotse-Delchev Basin
- Late Triassic Cimmerian structures beneath the Moesian Platform (Romania/Bulgaria)
- Lithological and biostratigraphical characteristics of the Ruzhintsi, Mirkovo and Zavala Formations in Kula Zone at Ruzhintsi village, Vidin District
- Lithological And Thermal Features Of Mitrovo Formation (T2-3) In Central Southern Part Of The Moesian Platform (Bulgaria): Preconditions For A Hydrocarbon Generation
- Lithostratigraphic Correlation And Reservoir Characterisation Of Triassic Sediments In Kneja-Iskar Area (Central North Bulgaria)
- Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Series in a part of the Krayshte area (Southwest Bulgaria)
- Lower Cretaceous in Bulgaria: a review
- Metamorphism on Chromite Ores from the Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif, Rhodope Mountains (SE Bulgaria)
- Micropetrographic characteristic of the Campanian-Paleocene carbonate sediments in Boykin Dol section (East Fore-Balkan)
- Middle Jurassic fossil and depositional record from the area of the Zimevitsa Plateau (West Bulgaria)
- Modeling of the Triassic and Jurassic rifting in the southern part of Central North Bulgaria – Implications for the source rock maturity
- Moesian and Balkan Terranes in Bulgaria: Palaeozoic Basin Development, Palaeogeography and Tectonic Evolution
- Neogene Lake Basins in Southwestern Bulgaria — biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and diatom floristic interrelations
- New data about the age of granitoid magmatism in the Strandzha Mt. (SE Bulgaria)
- New data about the lithostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic and part of the Middle Triassic in Belogradchik area, Northwest Bulgaria
- New data on the age of the low-grade metamorphic complexes in Stara planina Mts., NW Bulgaria and Eastern Serbia
- New data on the age of the Rabisha Formation from borehole Belo pole 1 (NW Bulgaria)
- New data on the Triassic carbonate ramp from Northwestern Bulgaria
- Oil And Gas Perspectives Of The Triassic Sediments In Central South Moesian Platform Margin
- Origin of secondary fault structures in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula
- Outcrops of the Mirkovo and Zavala Formations in NW Bulgaria
- Oxfordian to Valanginian palaeoenvironmental evolution on the western Moesian Carbonate Platform: a case study from SW Bulgaria
- P-T conditions and time of migmatization in the south-western part of the Rhodope metamorphic terrain (Slashten unit)
- Play Types of the Moesian Platform of Romania and Bulgaria
- Reconstruction of the primary stratigraphy and correlation of the Precambrian metamorphic complexes in the Rhodope massif
- Rhodope: From Mesozoic convergence to Cenozoic extension. Review of petro-structural data in the geochronological frame
- Ruzhintsi Formation, a unique facies in the Carpathian type Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene in NW Bulgaria
- Stratigraphic problems of the Moesian Group (Upper Triassic, peri-Tethyan type), Bulgaria
- Structural evolution of the eastern Balkans (Bulgaria)
- Tectonic zones and tectofacieses of the East Stara Planina Mountain
- Temporal evolution of the Cenozoic magmatism in WSW Bulgaria and SE Macedonia; crustal thickness control on zircon populations and whole-rock 87Sr/86Sri – 143Nd/144Ndi ratios
- Thermal Maturity Assessment Of Middle Triassic Rocks And Heat Flow Modeling In Agatovo-Suhindol Area (Central North Bulgaria)
- Trans-border (south-east Serbia/west Bulgaria) correlations of the Jurassic sediments: Infra-Getic Unit
- U-Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar ages of Mesta volcanic rocks and Central Pirin pluton
- Unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units in Neogene–Villafranchian sediments of Kyustendil graben and adjacent areas. Part 1 – Stratigraphic supplements and correlations
- Unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units in Neogene–Villafranchian sediments of Kyustendil graben and adjacent areas. Part 2 – Description of synthems and interthems
- Vlahina-Maleshevo Detachment Fault in Southwest Bulgaria – combined structural and zircon LA-ICPMS U-Pb study
- Zeolitized volcaniclastics from northern part of Dzhebel depression, E. Rhodopes: stratigraphy, petrography and mineralogy
- Croatian Geological Society
- Croatian Geological Survey
- A record of pre-Variscan Barrovian regional metamorphism in the eastern part of the Slavonian Mountains (NE Croatia)
- Application of artificial neural networks for lithofacies determination based on limited well data
- Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation of the Outer Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro)
- Carbon-isotope record and palaeoenvironmental changes during the early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event in shallow-marine carbonates of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform in Croatia
- Cenomanian carbonate facies and rudists along shallow intraplatform basin margin - The island of Cres (Adriatic Sea, Crotia)
- Chronology and integrated stratigraphy of the Miocene Sinj Basin (Dinaride Lake System, Croatia)
- Comparison between the Middle Miocene and the Upper Miocene source rock formations in the Sava Depression (Pannonian Basin, Croatia)
- Depositional history of the Miocene Lake Sinj (Dinaride Lake System, Croatia): a long-lived hard-water lake in a pull-apart tectonic setting
- Diagenesis of Miocene pelitic sedimentary rocks in the Sava Depression (Croatia)
- Diversity patterns in mid-Cretaceous benthic foraminifers and dasyclad algae of the southern part of Mesozoic Adriatic Platform, Croatia
- Early Miocene braided river and lacustrine sedimentation in the Kalnik Mountain Area (Pannonian Basin System, NW Croatia)
- First Rock Magnetic and Palaeomagnetic Analyses of the Pre-Cenozoic Rocks of the Velebit Mt. (Croatia): Prospects for Applications in Palaeogeographic and Geotectonic Studies
- Geochemistry of Eocene flysch sandstones in the NW External Dinarides
- Geological-Structural Interpretation of the Croatian Parts of Dinarides Knin-Ravni Kotari and Eastern Part of the Adriatic Basin Based on 2-D Seismic Reprocessing, Geological Map and Wells Data
- Geological maps of Neogene sediments in the Bjelovar Subdepression (northern Croatia)
- Integrated stratigraphy of the early Miocene lacustrine deposits of Pag Island (SW Croatia): palaeovegetation and environmental changes in the Dinaride Lake System
- Early Cretaceous benthic associations (foraminifera and calcareous algae) of a shallow tropical-water platform environment (Mljet Island, southern Croatia)
- Equatorial Shelf of the Palaeozoic Supercontinent – Cradle of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform
- Lacustrine basin to delta evolution in the Zagorje Basin, a Pannonian sub-basin (Late Miocene: Pontian, NW Croatia)
- Late Pleistocene climate history of the Baranja loess plateau - evidence from the Zmajevac loess-paleosol section (northearn Croatia)
- Lithostratigraphic units in the Drava Depression (Croatian and Hungarian parts) – a correlation
- Marine to continental depositional systems of Outer Dinarides foreland and intra-montane basins (Eocene-Miocene, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Mid-Miocene (Badenian) transgression on Mesozoic basement rocks in the Mt. Medvednica area of northern Croatia
- Middle Miocene freshwater mollusks from Lake Sinj (Dinaride Lake System, SE Croatia; Langhian)
- Middle Miocene (Upper Badenian/Sarmatian) Palaeoecology and Evolution of the Environments in the Area of Medvednica Mt. (North Croatia)
- Neogene Tectonics in Croatian Part of the Pannonian Basin and Reflectance in Hydrocarbon Accumulations
- Neotectonic active faults in the Eastern part of Sava Depression: Implications to tectonic evolution based on 2D seismic data and 3D subsurface structural modelling
- Origin of Hydrocarbons in the Eastern Part of the Drava Depression (Eastern Croatia)
- Paleogeographic evolution of the Southern Pannonian Basin: 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the Miocene continental series of northern Croatia
- Palaeogeographic Variability and Depositional Environments of the Upper Jurassic Carbonate Rocks of Velika Kapela Mt. (Gorski Kotar Area, Adriatic Carbonate Platform, Croatia)
- Paleomagnetic and geochronologic constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Central Dinarides
- Paleomagnetic investigations in the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin: a review
- Palaeomagnetic results from the Sarmatian/Pannonian Boundary in North-Eastern Croatia (Vranovic Section, Nasice Quarry)
- Pannonian Palaeoecology and Biostratigraphy of Molluscs from Kostanjek - Medvednica Mt., Croatia
- Park prirode Papuk - geologija
- Plitvice lakes - Geological base and hydrogeology of the area of the lakes
- Possible Hydrocarbon Plays in the South Adriatic Basin and Analogues with Ionian and Apulian Geological Provinces
- Qualitative–Quantitative Analyses of the Influence of Depth and Lithological Composition on Lower Pontian Sandstone Porosity in the Central Part of Bjelovar Sag (Croatia)
- Reducing variogram uncertainties using the ‘jack-knifing’ method, a case study of the Stari Gradac – Barcs-Nyugat field
- Reefs and bioaccumulations in the miocene deposits of the North Croatian Basin – Amazing diversity yet to be described
- Regional turbidites and turbiditic environments developed during Neogene and Quaternary in Croatia
- Relations between effective thickness, gas production and porosity in heterogeneous reservoirs: An example from the Molve Field, Croatian Pannonian Basin
- Relative Sea-Level Changes Recorded on an Isolated Carbonate Platform: Tithonian to Cenomanian Succession, Southern Croatia
- Reservoir geology, hydrocarbon reserves and production in the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin System
- Response of a carbonate platform to the Cenomanian-Turonian Drowning and OAE 2: a case study from the Adriatic Platform (Dalmatia, Croatia)
- Revised Middle Miocene datum for initial marine flooding of North Croatian Basins (Pannonian Basin System, Central Paratethys)
- Sedimentation of deep-water turbidites in the SW part of the Pannonian Basin
- Sequence Stratigraphy, Carbon Isotopic Signature, and Dolomitization of a Late Jurassic Greenhouse Platform, Croatia
- Significance of the amplitude attribute in porosity prediction, Drava Depression Case Study
- Significance of the Badenian petroleum source rocks from the Krndija Mt. (Pannonian Basin, Croatia)
- Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography of Miocene Deposits from the Marginal Area of Žumberak Mt. and the Samoborsko Gorje Mts. (Northwestern Croatia)
- Structural and Stratigraphical Relations in the Eastern Part of the Drava depression - Wider Area of the field Beničanci
- Structural-tectonic Interpretation of 3D Seismic Data on Ježevo Oil Field
- Tectonostratigraphic model for the North Croatian and North Bosnian sector of the Miocene Pannonian Basin System
- Tertiary Subsurface Facies, Source Rocks and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the SW Part of the Pannonian Basin (Northern Croatia and South-Western Hungary)
- Vegetation and climate dynamics during the early Middle Miocene from Lake Sinj (Dinaride Lake System, SE Croatia)
- Volcanoes in the Adriatic Sea: Permo-Triassic magmatism on the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform Field trip guide
- Geological Survey of the Czech Republic
- Biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous limestones of the Godula facies of the Silesian Unit, Outer Western Carpathians
- Ernstbrunn Limestone and Klentnice beds (Kimmeridgian-Berriasian; Waschberg-Ždánice Unit; NE Austria and SE Czech Republic): state of the art and bibliography
- Provenance study of Permian non-marine sandstones and conglomerates of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin (Czech Republic): exotic marine limestone pebbles, heavy minerals and garnet composition
- Regional chemostratigraphic key horizons in the macrofossil-barren siliciclastic lower Miocene lacustrine sediments (Most Basin, Eger Graben, Czech Republic)
- Structure of the Prague Basin: The deformation diversity and its causes (the Czech Republic)
- Tectonic Evolution of the Budějovice Basin (Czech Republic), with special focus on the Hluboká-Fault
- Tracing the Eocene–Oligocene transition: a case study from North Bohemia
- Cyprus Geological Survey
- Cyprus Evaporites
- Cyprus geological heritage educational tool
- Late Miocene paleoenvironments and tectonic setting of the southern margin of Cyprus and the Eratosthenes Seamount
- Late Triassic Radiolarians of Southern Cyprus
- Paleoecology of a Pliocene coral reef in Cyprus
- Paleoenvironmental evolution of the eastern Mediterranean during the Messinian: Constraints from integrated microfossil data of the Pissouri Basin (Cyprus)
- Petroleum Systems Offshore Cyprus
- Geological Society of Denmark
- Geological Survey of Denmark
- Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
- Cyclic Rørdal Member – a new lithostratigraphic unit of chronostratigraphic and palaeoclimatic importance in the upper Maastrichtian of Denmark
- Depositional environments of Lower Cretaceous (Ryazanian– Barremian) sediments from Wollaston Forland and Kuhn Ø, North-East Greenland
- Geochronological constraints on granitic magmatism, deformation, cooling and uplift on Bornholm, Denmark
- Jurassic lithostratigraphy and stratigraphic development onshore and offshore Denmark
- Late Triassic – Jurassic development of the Danish Basin and the Fennoscandian Border Zone, southern Scandinavia
- Lithostratigraphy of the Palaeogene – Lower Neogene succession of the Danish North Sea
- Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Oligocene - Miocene succession of Denmark
- Middle Danian Faxe Formation – new lithostratigraphic unit and a rare taphonomic window into the Danian of Denmark
- Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous rifting of the Danish Central Graben
- Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of paralic and shallow marine Upper Jurassic sandstones in the northern Danish Central Graben
- Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Bryne and Lulu Formations, Middle Jurassic, northern Danish Central Graben
- Sequence stratigraphy of the Jurassic of the Danish Central Graben
- Stevns Klint, Denmark: Uppermost Maastrichtian chalk, Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary, and lower Danian bryozoan mound complex
- Stratigraphy and age of the Eocene Igtertivâ Formation basalts, alkaline pebbles and sediments of the Kap Dalton Group in the graben at Kap Dalton, East Greenland
- Stratigraphy and depositional evolution of the uppermost Oligocene –Miocene succession in western Denmark
- Triassic and Jurassic transtension along part of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone in the Danish Kattegat
- Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous of the Danish Central Graben: structural framework and nomenclature
- Upper Triassic – Cretaceous stratigraphy and structural inversion off-shore SW Bornholm, Tornquist Zone, Denmark
- Volgian–Ryazanian 'hot shales' of the Bo Member (Farsund Formation) in the Danish Central Graben, North Sea: stratigraphy, facies and geochemistry
- BRGM, French geological survey
- Armorican Massif
- Armorique minéraux
- Carbonate sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and cyc-lostratigraphy of the Tithonian in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains: a high-resolution record of changes in sea level and climate
- Centre Briançonnais de Géologie Alpine
- Climatic fluctuations and seasonality during the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian-Early Kimmeridgian) inferred from δ18O of Paris Basin oyster shells
- Comparative Stratigraphy of Liassic Sediments in the Dauphine and Provence Alps
- Cossmannia - le site de tous les chercheurs de fossiles du tertiaire
- Facies and climate/environmental changes recorded on a carbonate ramp: A sedimentological and geochemical approach on Middle Jurassic carbonates (Paris Basin, France)
- Fossiles
- Fossiles de Touraine
- Fossils from Paulmy
- Geo-Alp - Une approche de la Géologie des Alpes françaises
- Géologie de la Montagne Noire
- Geologie du Morvan
- Geology of France
- Geopedia- Encyclopedie des sciences de la terre et du monde souterrain
- Les fossiles du bassin de Paris
- Les terrains géologiques des Pyrénées-Orientales
- Mammifères d'Anjou-Touraine
- Massif Central (geology)
- Scenes and landscapes of France - Geology
- Subalpine fold and thrustbelt of the external French Alps
- Synthesis of geological and geophysical data at Soultz-sous-Forêts (France)
- Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt
- Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft
- Geological Survey / Geologisches Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Geologische Vereinigung
- Geologisches Landesamt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Geologisches Landesamt Rheinland-Pfalz
- German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)
- 74. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Goettingen (Germany), 2-8 oct 2004
- Alzey-Weinheim
- Basal Lutetian transgression on the Tethyan shelf of the European craton (Adelholzen beds, Eastern Alps, Germany)
- Beiträge zur Geologie deutscher Landschaften
- Die Grube Messel - Fossilienfundstätte und Weltnaturerbe
- Early Aptian bay deposits at the southern margin of the lower Saxony Basin: Integrated stratigraphy, palaeoenvironment and OAE 1a
- Eine kurze Geschichte der Frankenalb
- Fossilien aus dem Mitteldevon der Eifel
- Fossilien aus den Solnhofener Plattenkalken
- Fossils of the Upper Muschelkalk of South West Germany
- Führer durch die Geologisch - Strukturellen Einheiten des Harzes
- Geologie der Ostalb
- Geologie der Eifel
- Geologie des Schwarzwaldes
- Geologie Hessen
- Geologie Thüringens
- Integrated Stratigraphic and Petroleum System Modeling Study of the Southern Upper Rhine Graben
- Integrated stratigraphy of the Kronsmoor section (northern Germany), a reference point for the base of the Maastrichtian in the Boreal Realm
- Mailingliste für die deutschsprachige Wirbeltierpaläontologie
- Palaeo Bavarian Geological Survey
- Sedimentary Facies Reconstruction and Kinematic Restoration of an Upper Permian Tight Gas Field, north-western Germany
- UNESCO World Heritage in Germany Pit at Messel
- Vulkanpark Brohltal
- Zur Geschichte, Geologie und Hydrologie des Burgberges zu Nürnberg
- Greek Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration
- A new geological map of the crustal-scale detachment on Kea (Western Cyclades, Greece)
- A New Occurrence of Ultrahigh-PressureMetamorphism, Central Macedonia, Northern Greece: Evidence from Graphitized Diamonds?
- A review of hydrocarbon exploration in Western Greece and its potential
- A Review of Oceanic Anoxic Events as recorded in the Mesozoic sedimentary record of mainland Greece
- An overview of the petroleum systems in the Ionian Zone, onshore Greece
- Application of bed thickness distributions in turbidite deposits of Lemnos island, NE Greece
- Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events in Western Continental Greece
- Detrital zircon and micropalaeontological ages as new constraints for the lowermost tectonic unit (Talea Ori unit) of Crete, Greece
- Detrital zircon U-Pb data from the Hellenic south Aegean belts: Constraints on the age and source of the South Aegean basement
- Discrete Plio-Pleistocene phases of tilting and counterclockwise rotation in the southeastern Aegean arc (Rhodos; Greece): early Pliocene formation of the south Aegean left-lateral strike-slip system
- Eclogite-blueschist-facies rocks from spouthern Sifnos, Cyclades, Greece
- Eocene to Early Oligocene turbidite sedimentation in the SE Aegean (Karpathos Island, SE Greece): stratigraphy, facies analysis, nannofossil study, and possible hydrocarbon potential
- Eocene upper shoreface facies from the Circum-Rhodope belt, NE Greece: sedimentological evidence for ancient rocky shore environment
- Evolution and petroleum potential of Western Greece
- Evolving anatomy of a collapsing orogen
- First evidence for the late Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2, or “Bonarelli”event) from the Ionian Zone, western continental Greece
- Geochemistry of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks and biostratigraphy on radiolarian cherts from the almopias ophiolites and paikon unit (Western vardar, Greece)
- Geometry and kinematics of the Mykonos detachment (Cyclades, Greece): Evidence for slip at shallow dip
- Granite intrusion in a Metamorphic Core Complex : the example of the Mykonos laccolith (Cyclades, Greece)
- Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Apulian Platform and Ionian Zone, in Relation to Strike-Slip Fault Zones, Foreland and Back-Thrust Basins of Ionian Thrust in Greece
- Lithium, Beryllium and Boron in high-K Rhyolites from Lesbos Island, Greece
- Lithium, Beryllium and Boron in High-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from Syros (Greece)
- Magnetostratigraphy of a Lower-Middle Triassic boundary section from Chios (Greece)
- Microfauna and sedimentary-tectonic history of the Oligo-Miocene of the Ionian Islands and Western Epirus (Greece)
- Neotectonic study of Western Crete and implications for seismic hazard assessment
- New radiolarian biostratigraphic age constraints on Middle Triassic basalts and radiolarites from the inner Hellenides (Northern Pindos and Othrys Mountains, Northern Greece)
- New stratigraphic and palaeogeographic data from the Mesozoic strata of the Tripolitza platform in Central Crete. Evidence of subaerial exposures during Albian-Early Cenomanian
- North Aegean sedimentary basin evolution during the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene based on sedimentological studies on Lemnos Island (NE Greece)
- North Cycladic Detachment System
- Oceanic Anoxic Events as recorded in the Mesozoic sedimentary record of mainland Greece
- On the fossil fishes, diatoms, and foraminifera from Zanclean (Lower Pliocene) diatomitic sediments of Aegina Island (Greece): a stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental study
- On the occurrence of Early Pliocene marine deposits in the Ierapetra Basin, Eastern Crete, Greece
- Orbital forcing in late Neogene lacustrine basins from the Mediterranean
- Orbital signatures in lacustrine sediments : the Late Neogene intramontane Florina-Ptolemais-Servia Basin, northwestern Greece
- Organic carbon deposition in the Cretaceous of the Ionian Basin, NW-Greece: The Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1b re-visited
- Palaeomagnetic investigations of sediments cores from Axios zone (N. Greece): implications of low inclinations in the Aegean
- Paleostress magnitude in a fold-thrust belt (External Hellenides, Greece):evidence from twinning in calcareous rocks
- Petrological characters of the Early Cretaceous Boeothian flysch (Central Greece)
- Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the late Neogene of Crete (Greece)
- Preliminary data from the record of the Early Toarcian Oceanic Event in the sediments of the Pindos zone (Greece)
- Preliminary study on the slump structures of the Early Oligocene sediments of the Pre-Apulian zone (Antipaxos island, North-Western Greece)
- Provenance analysis of Eocene-Oligocene turbidite deposits in Pindos Foreland Basin, fold and thrust belt of SW Greece: Constraints from framework petrography and bulk-rock
- Quantification of the Activity of Tectonic Fault Systems in the Region of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece)
- Reprocessing and interpretation of seismic reflection data at Messara Basin, Crete, Greece
- Rhodope: From Mesozoic convergence to Cenozoic extension. Review of petro-structural data in the geochronological frame
- Rifting and shallow-dipping detachments, clues from the Corinth Rift and the Aegean
- Sedimentation and paleoecology of Pliocene lagoonal-shallow marine deposits on the island of Rhodes (Greece)
- Stratigraphy and paleoecology of Oligocene and Early Miocene sedimentary sequences of the Mesohellenic Basin (NW Greece)
- Stratigraphy of Neogene deposits in the Khania province, Crete, with special reference to foraminifera of the family Planorbulinidae and the genus Heterostegina
- Stratigraphy of Neogene deposits in the Rethymnon Province, Crete, with special reference to the phylogeny of uniserial Uvigerina from the Mediterranean region
- Structural and petrological investigations along a low-angle normal fault on Kythnos, Greece
- Structural Elements and Petroleum Exploration on the Apulian Platform, Hellenic Fold and Thrust Belt, Zakynthos Island (western Greece)
- Structural evolution of Andros Island (Cyclades, Greece): a key to the behaviour of a (flat) detachment within an extending continental crust
- Structural Geology of the Western Greece Fold and Thrust Belt
- Studying the Carbonates from Triassic to Eocene in the Ionian Zone
- Subaerial exposure-related discontinuities in shallow-water platform carbonate successions (Late Triassic-Pelagonian & Early Jurassic-Gavrovo Tripolitza, Greece)
- Tectonic and climatic controls on coastal sedimentation: The Late Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene of northeastern Rhodes, Greece
- Timing of Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene tectonic events in Rhodes (Greece) inferred from magneto-biostratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar dating of a volcaniclastic layer
- Triassic/Jurassic boundary in a peritidal carbonate platform of the Pelagonian Domain: the Mount Messapion section (Chalkida, Greece)
- Triassic subsurface evaporates and outcropping solution-collapse breccias of the Ionian zone (Western Greece)
- Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy and palaeogeographic evolution of Myrtoon and adjacent basins, Aegean Sea, Greece
- Use of Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopes in the study of Global Palaeoceanographic Changes: examples from the Cretaceous sediment rocks of Western Greece
- Use of statistical analysis in the lithostratigraphy of submarine fan deposits. An example from SE Greece (Karpathos Island)
- British Geological Survey
- The BGS Geoscience Data Index (GDI)
- British Antarctic Survey
- A geological fence diagram for England and Wales
- A lithostratigraphical framework for onshore Quaternary and Neogene (Tertiary) superficial deposits of Great Britain and the Isle of Man
- A lithostratigraphical framework for the Carboniferous successions of southern Great Britain (onshore)
- A new Quaternary and Neogene lithostratigraphical framework for Great Britain and the Isle of Man
- About Pembrokeshire - Geology
- An overview of the lithostratigraphical framework for the Quaternary deposits on the United Kingdom continental shelf
- BGS classification of lithodemic units: a classification of onshore Phanerozoic intrusions in the UK
- British Fossil Fauna and Flora
- Congleton Geology
- Craven and Pendle Geological Society
- Crustal Structure of the British Isles and its Epeirogenic Consequences
- Devonian and Permian fossils from the Falkland Islands in the biostratigraphy collection of the British Geological Survey
- Discovering - education resource dedicated to British Fossils, Fossil Collecting Locations and the Geology of the UK
- East Midlands Geological Society
- Edinburgh Geological Society
- Field Geology of the Yorkshire coast - The North Sea basin exposed on land
- Fossils - Charmouth and Stonebarrow, Dorset
- Fossils of the Gault Clay and Folkestone Beds of Kent
- Fossils of the lower cretaceous Albian (Gault Clay and Folkestone Beds) in the county of Kent
- Geological mapping of the Late Cretaceous Chalk Group of southern England: a specialised application of landform interpretation
- Geological Society of Glasgow
- Geological Society of London
- Geology in Cornwall
- Geology of the Durness Region, N.W. Scotland
- Geology of Easdale
- Geology of East Yorkshire
- Geology of London, UK
- Geology of Northamptonshire - England's Jurassic County
- John Mason's Homepage - Geology, Minerals, Climatics & Poetics from Machynlleth in Mid-Wales
- North Eastern Geological Society
- North Staffordshire Group Geologists' Association
- Peak District
- Petroleum Systems of the Scotian Basin
- Revealing deep structural influences on the Upper Cretaceous Chalk of East Anglia (UK) through inter-regional geophysical log correlations
- Sheppey Fossils - site is dedicated to the Lower Eocene (Ypresian) marine fauna of the London clay of the north coastal section of the Isle of Sheppey Kent UK and covers all the main fossil groups found there
- Shropshire Geological Society
- Southampton Mineral and Fossil Society
- Stratigraphical framework for the Middle Jurassic strata of Great Britain and the adjoining continental shelf
- Stratigraphical framework for the Ordovician and Silurian sedimentary strata of northern England and the Isle of Man
- Stratigraphical framework for the Palaeogene successions of the London Basin, UK
- United Kingdom Minerals Yearbook 2011 : statistical data to 2010
- Ward Lock illustrated guide to the Isle of Wight
- Westmorland Geological Society
- Yorkshire Geological Society
- Geological Institute of Hungary
- Geological Survey of Hungary
- A multi-system geochronology in the Ad-3 borehole, Pannonian Basin (Hungary) with implications for dating volcanic rocks by low-temperature thermochronology and for interpretation of (U–Th)/He data
- Albian Foraminifera from Vértessomló Vst-8 borehole, Vértes Mountains (Hungary)
- Algyo turbidite gas play in the Mako Trough, Pannonian basin, Hungary
- An outline of neotectonic structures and morphotectonics of the western and central Pannonian Basin
- An Overview of the Monogenetic Volcanic Fields of the Western Pannonian Basin: Their Field Characteristics and Outlook for Future Research from a Global Perspective
- Assessment of generation temperatures of crude oils
- Basic Litostratigraphic Units of Hungary
- Bauxite deposits of Gant (Vertes Hills, Hungary) Field Trip Guide
- Benthic algae as major precursors of oil-prone kerogen – A case study from the Hungarian Middle Miocene
- Biostratigraphic Studies and Correlation of Tertiary Planktonic Gastropods (Pteropods) From Hungary
- Budaörs-1 well revisited: Contributions to the Triassic stratigraphy, sedimentology, and magmatism of the southwestern part of the Buda Hills
- Calculation of Unconformity Related Eroded Stratal Thicknesses Along the Mid-Hungarian Mobile Belt in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve Area, Hungary
- Carbon isotope anomaly and other geochemical changes at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary from a marine section in Hungary
- Characterization Of Insoluble Organic Substance Of Sediments By Thermal And Infrared Investigation
- Clay mineralogy of red clay deposits from the central Carpathian Basin (Hungary): implications for Plio-Pleistocene chemical weathering and palaeoclimate
- Clays, (palaeo-)environment and culture: Field trip in Southern Transdanubia, Hungary Field Trip Guide
- Complex evaluation of the Kiskunhalas - NE fractured metamorphic hydrocarbon reservoir
- Control of the Late Neogene (Pannonian s.l.) sedimentation by basement deformation in the Zala Basin
- Coral microbialite environment in a Middle Miocene reef of Hungary
- Correlation of Upper Julian to Lower Tuvalian (Carnian) depositional cycles from the Balatonhenye – Barnag area, Balaton Highland, Hungary
- Covered Neogene magmatism in eastern Hungary
- Diagenetic and brittle deformation history of Middle Triassic dolomites in the Szeged Basin, Southeast Hungary
- Displaced Jurassic foreslope and basin deposits of Dinaridic origin in Northeast Hungary
- Early Oligocene Continental Climate of the Palaeogene Basin (Hungary and Slovenia) and the Surrounding Area
- Evidence for Ladinian (Middle Triassic) platform progradation in the Gyulakeszi area, Tapolca Basin, Western Hungary: Microfacies analysis and Biostratigraphy
- Evidences of phreatomagmatic explosion in the Sarmatian andesitic pyroclastic rocks exposed at the vaults of Szirmabesenyő (Tardona Hills, NE Hungary)
- From continental platform towards rifting of the Tisza Unit in the Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous
- From maars to lava lakes: ultramafic and granulite xenoliths associated with the alkaline basaltic volcanism of the Pannonian Basin Field Trip Guide
- Function of faults in hydraulic hydrocarbon entrapment: Theoretical considerations and a field study from the Trans-Tisza region, Hungary
- Geology of the pre-Cenozoic basement of Hungary
- Geology Of The Rhyolite-perlite Extrusions Along Ósva Valley, Telkibánya, Hungary
- Geothermal Resources in Hungary
- Hungeo 2000
- Hydrocarbon bearing reservoir rocks in the Great Hungarian Plain and the North Hungarian Highland (in Hungarian)
- Inherited and Syndepositional Structural Control on Slope Progradation in the Neogene Lake Pannon, Southwestern Pannonian Basin, Hungary
- Large hydrovolcanic field in the Pannonian Basin: general characteristics of the Bakony- Balaton Highland Volcanic Field, Hungary
- Largest Hydrocarbon Field Discovered to Date in Hungary: Algyo
- Late Miocene paleo-geomorphology of the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (Hungary) using physical volcanology data
- Late Miocene sedimentary record of the Danube/Kisalföld Basin: Interregional correlation of depositional systems, stratigraphy and structural evolution
- Lithofacies and age data of the Uppermost Triassic - Jurassic foreslope and basin sediments of Rudabánya Hills, NE Hungary
- Lithostratigraphic units in the Drava Depression (Croatian and Hungarian parts) – a correlation
- Low-grade, medium pressure regional metamorphism of the pelitic succession in the borehole Horváthertelend Hh–1: microstructural and thermobarometric evidences
- Major-element Trends in Cenozoic Volcanites Of Hungary
- Mantle-related CO2, metasedimentary HC-N 2 gas and oil traces in the Répcelak and Mihályi accumulations, W-Hungary - mixing of three fluids of very different origin
- Marine carbonate systems in the Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) of the Central Paratethys: the Zsambek Basin of Hungary
- Medencék és platformok kialakulása és fejlődése a Bakony középső-triász története során
- Mezozoos-kainozoos feszültségmezők és törésrendszerek a Pannon-medence ÉNy-i részén - módszertan és szerkezeti elemzés
- Mesozoic deformation of the northern Transdanubian Range (Gerecse and Vértes Hills) and Cenozoic Deformation of the Northern Transdanubian Range (Vértes Hills)
- Metamorphic basement of the Tisia Megaunit
- Metamorphic petrology and geochemistry of the Sarkadkeresztúr Basement-High with special regard to orthogneiss (Tisza Mega-unit, SE Hungary)
- Mid Miocene coarse-clastic sequences in the Dráva Basin: petrography and provenance
- Middle Eocene foraminifer, mollusc and ostracod fauna from the Csordakút Basin (Gerecse Mountains, Hungary): palaeoenviroments recorded in a transgressive sequence
- Middle Triassic integrated U-Pb geochronology and ammonoid biochronology from the Balaton Highland (Hungary)
- Mineralization in Mesosoic-Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary units of NE-Hungary with a cave tour in the Baradla Cave, Aggtelek Field Trip Guide
- Miocene phreatomagmatic volcanism at Tihany (Pannonian Basin, Hungary)
- Natural radioactive element content of old granitoid rocks in the Great Hungarian Plain
- Neogene stratigraphy in the Mecsek region. Programme, Abstracts and Field Trip Guidebook of the 6th Workshop on the Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe
- New results in the Mesozoic stratigraphy of the East Drava Basin
- Oldest Triassic Platform Margin Reef From The Alpine-Carpathian Region (Aggtelek, Ne Hungary): Platform Evolution, Reefal Biota And Biostratigraphic Framework
- Őskörnyezeti változások a Középső-Paratethysben a szarmata folyamán a mikrofauna őslénytani és geokémiai vizsgálata alapján
- Palaeogene and Neogene Localities in the North Hungarian Mountain Range
- Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) Central Paratethys based on palaeontological and geochemical analyses of foraminifers, ostracods, gastropods and rodents
- Paleostress analysis along the Telegdi Roth Fault (Bakony Mountains, western Hungary)
- Paleotemperature reconstruction by fluid inclusion studies (Mesozoic carbonate basenient, Southern Great Piain, Hungary) ( in hungarian)
- Permo-mesozoic formations of the Recsk - Darnó Hill area: Stratigraphy and structure of the pre-tertiary basement of the Paleogene Recsk ore-field
- Petrographic investigation of the Triassic volcanogenic formations of the Eastern Bakony and interpretation of their genesis
- Petrographical, geochemical and geochronological constraints on igneous clasts and sediments hosted in the Oligo-Miocene Bakony Molasse, Hungary: Evidence for a Paleo-Drava River system
- Petrographical characteristics of Variscan granitoids of Battonya unit boreholes (SE Hungary)
- Petrography and palynology of the Endrőd Formation, Hódmezővásárhely–I well, Makó Trough (Pannonian Basin, SE Hungary): palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic consequences
- Petrological characteristics of Algyő-Ferencszállás-Makó area granitoids (SE Hungary)
- Petrology and paleokarst features of the Gomba hydrocarbon reservoir (central Hungary)
- Platform-basin transition and depositional models for the Upper Triassic (Carnian) Sándorhegy Limestone, Balaton Highland, Hungary
- PVC- migration controls reservoir parameters: Szolnok Formation, Endrod field, Hungary
- Rare gas constraints on hydrocarbon accumulation, crustal degassing and groundwater flow in the Pannonian Basin
- Re-evaluation of the Mesozoic complexes of Darnó Hill (NE Hungary) and comparisons with Neotethyan accretionary complexes of the Dinarides and Hellenides – preliminary data
- Revised Middle and Upper Triassic radiolarian ages for the ophiolite mélanges: implications for the geodynamic evolution of the northern part of the early Mesozoic Neotethyan subbasins
- Sedimentology of a Permian playa lake: the Boda Claystone Formation, Hungary
- Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of a late Eocene carbonate platform margin (Mátyás-hegy section, Buda Hills, Hungary)
- Stratigraphy, facies and geodynamic settings of Jurassic formations in the Bükk Mountains, North Hungary: its relations with the other areas of the Neotethyan realm
- Structural correlation between the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) and the transdanubian central range (Hungary)
- Subduction related jurassic gravity deposits in Bükk-Darnó Area, Northeast Hungary
- Tectonic and climatic forcing in Quaternary landscape evolution in the central Pannonian Basin: A quantitative geomorphological, geochronological and structural analysis
- Tectonic position of the latest Triassic - Jurassic Sequences of Rudabánya Hills, NE Hungary
- Terminal Eocene and Early Oligocene events in Hungary and the separation of anoxic, cold Paratethys
- Tertiary Subsurface Facies, Source Rocks and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the SW Part of the Pannonian Basin (Northern Croatia and South-Western Hungary)
- Triassic rift-type basalts and related deep-water sediments in the western ophiolite belt of the Hellenides-Dinarides (from Othrys Mts., Greece to Darnó Hill, NE Hungary)
- Triassic Workshop 2008, Hungary
- Triassic–Jurassic boundary events inferred from integrated stratigraphy of the Csővár section, Hungary
- Turbidites as indicators of paleotopography, Upper Miocene Lake Pannon, Western Mecsek Mountains (Hungary)
- Upper Cretaceous of the Bakony Mts. (Hungary): Sedimentology, biostratigraphy, correlation
- Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI)
- A Geological Field Guide to Cooley, Gullion, Mourne & Slieve Croob Sadhbh Baxter A Geological Field Guide to Cooley, Gullion, Mourne & Slieve Croob
- Bedrock Geology Map of Ireland
- Biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and gamma-ray spectrometry of the Tournaisian-Viséan boundary interval in the Dublin Basin
- Earth Science Ireland
- Institute of Geologists of Ireland
- Structural analysis of the Louisburgh-Clare island succession, Co. Mayo, Ireland
- Study Geology of Ireland
- A Brief Guide to Geology of Capri Island
- An Introduction to the Italian Geology
- Bio-chemostratigraphy of the Barremian-Aptian shallow-water carbonates of the southern Apennines (Italy): pinpointing the OAE1a in a Tethyan carbonate platform
- Breve storia geologica della Sardegna
- Buried Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Sicily: Perspectives for Future Exploration
- Caratteri Strutturali della Media Valle Latina il Sistema di Taglio della Zona del Fiume Melfa
- Carbonate Platform-Basin Transition in SW Sicily: Implications for the Petroleum Exploration in the Maghrebian Fold and Thrust Belt
- Construction of a solid 3D model of geology in Sardinia using GIS methods
- Determining Flow Directions in Turbidites: An Integrated Sedimentological and Magnetic Fabric Study of Two Miocene Turbiditic Systems (Northern Apennines, Italy)
- Diagenesis of Microbial Carbonates: A Case History from the Norian of the Italian Peninsula
- Facies analysis, stratigraphy and petrographic data from the Permian-Middle Triassic Cala Bona - Il Cantaro Rock sections (Alghero, NW Sardinia, Italy): contribution to the post-Variscan Nurra basin evolution
- Fossili della Sardegna
- From Thrust and Fold Belt to Foreland Basins: Hydrocarbon Exploration in Italy
- Geologia del Pian del Cansiglio
- Geologia d'Italia
- Geologic Time Scale and the Italian stratigraphic record
- Geological model of the central Periadriatic basin (Apennines, Italy)
- Geology of Italytrough itspaleontologicaland archeologicalsites Buono Giuseppe Post-PhD University of Tartu Tartu 14/02/2013Estonian Naturalists Society
- Geomorfologia del Territorio Varesino
- Geologic and Paleontologic Italian Website
- Grezzana Vajo del Paradiso
- Growth mode of Middle Triassic carbonate platforms in the Western Dolomites (Southern Alps, Italy)
- Growth Processes and Melange Formation in the Southern Apennines Accretionary Wedge
- History and modes of Miocene carbonate deposition in the interior of the Piedmont Basin, NW Italy
- Hydrocarbon Systems in the Onshore and Offshore Sicilian Fold and Thrust Belt: New Constraints from Geochemical Data
- Insights on the Complexity of a Paleokarst Reservoir: Examples from a World-Class Outcrop Analogue (Southern Italy)
- Italy Mesozoic Oils - Implications for Exploration in the Adriatic Sea
- La storia geologica del Monte Cornizzolo
- Lateral variations in sediment composition and bedding in Middle Triassic interplatform basins (Buchenstein Formation, Southern Alps, Italy)
- Lithostratigraphic definition and stratotype for the Puez Formation: formalisation of the Lower Cretaceous in the Dolomites (S. Tyrol, Italy)
- Magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Carnian/Norian boundary interval from the Pizzo Mondello section (Sicani Mountains, Sicily)
- Mesozoic petroleum system of the Adriatic foreland
- Neogene Deformations at the Sicilian-North African Plate Boundary
- Neogene Geodynamic Evolution of the Southern Apennines
- Neogene to Quaternary sedimentary basins in the south Adriatic (Central Mediterranean): Foredeeps and lithospheric buckling
- New Insights into the Mesozoic Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Platform to Basin Transition in the Southern Adriatic Sea Area: Searching for Stratigraphic Traps
- New outcrop and subsurface data in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW-Italy): unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units and their relationships with basin-modification phases
- New Stratigraphic, Paleontologic and Geochemical Data Around The Triassic-Jurassic Boundary at Portovenere (Northern Apennines, Italy)
- North-Central Sicily Belt: structural setting and geological evolution
- Paleogeographic Relationships During Cretaceous Between the Northern Adriatic Area and the Eastern Southern Alps
- Parco geopaleontologico di Pietrarola
- Piggyback Basin Development and Thrust Belt Evolution: Structural and Paleostress Analyses of Plio-Quanternary Basins in the Southern Apennines
- Plio-Pleistocene wrench tectonics in the Western Sicily Chain
- Premilinary Stratigraphical Investigations On The Miocene Successions Of The Porto Torres Basin (northern Sardinia, Italy)
- Quantification of input and compositional variations of calciturbidites in a Middle Triassic basinal succession (Seceda, Dolomites, Southern Alps)
- Reassessing the biostratigraphy and the paleobathymetry of the Gonfolite Lombarda Group in the Como area (Northern Italy)
- Reservoirs and source rocks in Mesozoic carbonate units of Italy
- Rilevamento geologico delle pendici orientali del Gruppo del Latemar (Dolomiti Occidentali)
- Spontaneous fluid emissions in the Northern Apennines: Geochemistry, structures and implications for the petroleum system
- Statistical time series analysis and sedimentological tuning of bedding rhythms in a Triassic basinal succession (Southern Alps, Italy)
- Stratigrafia del bacino Umbro-Marchigiano
- Stratigraphical and micropaleontological data on the tertiary of Southern Piemont (Northern Italy)
- Structural Setting of Petroleum Exploration Plays in Italy
- Successione Umbro-Marchiagiana
- Tectonic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Southern Apennines Accretionary Wedge
- Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Jurassic extensional basins of eastern Southern Alps and Adriatic foreland based on an integrated study of surface and subsurface data
- Tertiary Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of Apulian Platform in the Val d’Agri Subsurface Area (Southern Italy)
- Toe-of-slope of a Cretaceous carbonate platform in outcrop, seismic model and offshore seismic data (Apulia, Italy)
- Correlation of the lithostratigraphic profiles in the Paleogene basins in the Republic of Macedonia
- Evolution of the Neogene-Pleistocene Basins of Macedonia
- Foraminifers And Nannofossils From Upper Flysch Lithozone In The Tikveš Paleogene Basin, Republic Of Macedonia
- Foraminifers in Paleogene sediments at Crna Skala in the Delcevo Basin, Republic of Macedonia
- Geo-Database Model of the Republic of Macedonia
- Geophysical Aspects of the Geotectonic Processes in the Vardar Zone and the Eastern Macedonian Zone
- Main characteristic of gold in some deposits and occurrences related to Tertiary magmatism in Republic Macedonia
- Minerals From Macedonia. XII. The Dependence of Quartz and Opal Color on Trace Element Composition - AAS, FT IR and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Study
- Minerals From Macedonia. XX. Geological Setting, Lithologies, and Identification of the Minerals from Rzanovo Fe-Ni Deposit
- New data on the magmatism and the magmatic fluids of the Kozuf volcanic massif, Macedonia
- Small foraminifers from the Paleogene basins in the Republic of Macedonia
- Tectonics Evolution of the Paleogene Basins in the Republic of Macedonia
- Temporal evolution of the Cenozoic magmatism in WSW Bulgaria and SE Macedonia; crustal thickness control on zircon populations and whole-rock 87Sr/86Sri – 143Nd/144Ndi ratios
- Geological Survey of Montenegro
- Oil and Gas Montenegro
- A biocalcification crisis at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary recorded in the Budva Basin (Dinarides, Montenegro)
- Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation of the Outer Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzogovina, Montenegro)
- Deep Seated Platform Carbonate Reservoirs as New Hydrocarbon Plays in the NW Albania–Montenegro Segment of the Adriatic Region
- Review of Mesozoic Exploration Plays in the Montenegro - NW Albania Segment of South Adriatic Basin
- Dutch Geological Society (NGV)
- GAC - Geological Amateur Centrum
- NGV-GEONIEUWS - geological news all over the world in dutch
- Continental Permian -Triassic boundary in the Netherlands: implications for the geomagnetic polarity time scale
- Devono-carboniferous carbonate platform systems of the Netherlands
- Dutch Paleontology WebSite
- Jurassic of the Netherlands
- Sedimentary development, seismic stratigraphy and burial compaction of the Chalk Group in the Netherlands North Sea area
- Sharkteeth & other fossils from Cadzand-bad and surrounding
- Stratigraphical and structural setting of the Palaeogene siliciclastic sediments in the Dutch part of the North Sea Basin
- Stratigraphy and tectonics of Permo-Triassic basins in the Netherlands and surrounding areas
- Norwegian Geologic Survey
- 3D Architecture and Hydrocarbon Potential of a Pre-uplift Billefjorden Basin
- Beach ridges in the Middle Jurassic Etive formation, greater Oseberg east area: distribution, genesis and modern analogues
- Caledonian structural development on Hovedøya and Lindøya, in the inner Oslofjord
- Caledonian structuring of the Silurian succession at Sundvollen, Ringerike, southern Norway
- Depositional Environment, Processes and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Paralic Helvetiafjellet Formation in Ullaberget, Southern Spitsbergen
- Geological Excursion in the Oslo region
- Geology of Bear Island
- Geology of Svalbard
- Geometry and structural development of Caledonian folds and faults, inner Oslofjord
- Hydrocarbon generation and migration from Jurassic source rocks in the northern North Sea
- Late Cenozoic sedimentary outbuilding offshore mid-Norway: sequence stratigraphic analysis
- Late Mesozoic - Early Cenozoic structural evolution of Sørvestsnaget Basin
- Origin and evolution of deep upper mantle rocks from Western Norway
- Paleogene depositional conditions and climatic changes of the Frysjaodden Formation in central Spitsbergen (sedimentology and mineralogy)
- Paleogene depositional environments of the Frysjaodden and Hollendardalen formations in central Spitsbergen
- Paleogene sedimentation in Central Basin of Svalbard - Depositional conditions, geochemical and mineralogical variations across PETM
- Provenance and Depositional Environment of Deeply Buried Upper Jurassic Sandstones of the South Viking Graben
- Sedimentology, paleontology and diagenesis of the Ordovician (Darriwilian) Svartodden Member (Huk Formation), Slemmestad, Oslo Region
- Structure and evolution of the Oslo Rift in Skagerrak
- Instytut Nauk Geologicznych UJ, Krakow
- Poland Ministry of Environmental Protection Natural Resources and Forestry - Department of Geology
- Polish Geological Institute
- Polish Geological Society
- Assessment of hydro carbon potential of the Lower Palaeozoic strata in the Tarnogród-Stryi area (SE Poland and western Ukraine)
- Biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous in central and SE Poland
- Cretaceous basin evolution in the Lublin area along the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (SE Poland)
- Cumulate origin and polybaric crystallization of Fe-Ti oxide ores in the Suwalki Anorthosite, Northeastern Poland
- Environmental changes around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary in a marginal part of the Outer Carpathian Basin expressed by microfacies, microfossils and chemical records in the Skole Nappe (Poland)
- Facies of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous deposits from the southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep basement in the Kraków–Rzeszów area (southern Poland)
- Geology and petroleum geochemistry of Miocene strata in the Polish and Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep and its Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement
- Geology of Cracow and its Environs - Gallery of Józef Wieczorek - An Independent Geologist
- Geology of the Tatra Mountains - Gallery of Józef Wieczorek - An Independent Geologist
- Integrated biostratigraphy of the Santonian through Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of extra-Carpathian Poland
- Krasiejow
- Middle Miocene deposits in Carpathian foredeep: Facies analysis and implications for hydrocarbon reservoir prospecting
- Middle Miocene of the Fore-Carpathian Basin (Poland, Ukraine and Moldova)
- Mineralogy of Lower Silesia, Poland Field Trip Guide
- Phases of Palaeogene and Neogene tectonic evolution of selected grabens in the Wielkopolska area, central-western Poland
- Geological and Mining Institute of Portugal
- Base of the Toarcian Stage of the Lower Jurassic defined by the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) at the Peniche Section (Portugal)
- Cenomanian-turonian of the Western Portuguese Basin: Stratigraphy and Palaeobiology of the Northern and Central Sectors
- Cenomanian-Turonian transition in West Central Portugal: ammonites and biostratigraphy
- Climate and vegetation history of western Portugal inferred from Albian near-shore deposits (Gale Formation, Lusitanian Basin)
- Directory of Portuguese Paleontologists
- Evolution of the Atlantic Margin of Iberia as Recorded in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)
- Geochemistry and provenance of the Carboniferous Baixo Alentejo Flysch Group, South Portuguese Zone
- Miocene marine-continental correlations in the Lisbon area and some discussion related to personnal experience
- Palaeoclimate Of The Late Jurassic Of Portugal: Comparison With The Western United States
- Património Paleontológico do Miocénico da Península de Setúbal
- Reservoir characterisation and modelling of paralic sandstones: the Lourinha Formation, Lousitanian Basin, Portugal
- Reservoir characterization and modelling of the Louriñha Formation, Portugal: paralic sandstone bodies
- Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Sedimentary Succession in Southern Portugal: A Stratigraphical Framework for Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) Related Magmatism
- Chita Institute of Natural Resources
- Institute of Mining of the North (Yakutsk)
- Tuva Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources
- United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy
- Yakut Institute of Geosciences (Yakutsk)
- Evolution of Mesozoic fluvial systems along the SE flank of the West Siberian Basin, Russia
- Geological nature sanctuaries of Russia
- Geology, geophysics and tectonics of Northeastern Russia: a tribute to Leonid Parfenov
- Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Timan-Pechora Basin Province, Russia, 2008
- Geology of Lake Shira
- Khibina and Lovozero alkaline
massifs: Geology and unique mineralization
- Late Barremian-early Aptian climate of the northern middle latitudes: Stable isotope evidence from bivalve and cephalopod molluscs of the Russian Platform
- More about the Ordovician–Silurian transition beds at Mirny Creek, Omulev Mountains, NE Russia: carbon isotopes and conodonts
- New Opportunities for Petroleum Exploration in the Urals Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt
- Paleocene and Eocene floristic and climatic change in Russia and Northern Kazakhstan
- Paleogene of the Southwestern Volgograd Region (Borehole 13, Gremyach’e Area). 1. Biostratigraphy
- Palaeoentomology in Russia
- Palaeogeographic outlines of the Caucasus in the Jurassic: The Caucasian Sea and the Neotethys Ocean
- Petroleum System Evaluation of the Korotaikha Fold-belt and Foreland Basin, Timan-Pechora Basin, Russia
- Siberian Craton and its evolution in terms of Rodinia hypothesis
- Structure and Petroleum Habitat of the Pay Khoy-Novaya Zemlya Foreland Fold Belt, Timan Pechora, Russia
- Стратиграфический кодекс России
- Зональная стратиграфия фанерозоя России
- Geological Survey of Serbia
- Serbian Geological Society
- Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance
- Albian-Cenomanian Kotroman Formation of Mokra Gora (Western Serbia)
- Biostratigraphical Study of Lower Cretaceous Kasajina River Beds and its Importance for Geology of NE Serbia
- Biostratigraphy and microfacies of the pelagic carbonates across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in eastern Serbia (Stara Planina-Porec Zone)
- Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation of the Outer Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro)
- Depositional environment, age and facies of the Middle Triassic Bulog and Rid formations in the Inner Dinarides (Zlatibor Mountain, SW Serbia): evidence for the Anisian break-up of the Neotethys Ocean
- Development of Geology in Serbia
- Early−Middle Palaeozoic Oceanic Events Along the Southern European Margin: The Deli Jovan Ophiolite Massif (NE Serbia) and Palaeo-oceanic Zones of the Great Caucasus
- Early Cretaceous glauconite formation and Late Cretaceous magmatism and metallogeny of the East Serbian part of the Carpatho-Balkanides Field Trip Guide
- Early late Visean ammonoid faunas from the Jadar Block (NW Serbia)
- Geological atlas of Serbia 1 : 2.000.000 - Geological map of Serbia and adjoining territores
- Geological Information System of Serbia
- Geology and Metallogeny of the Drina-Ivanjica Metamorphic Complex in Eastern Bosnia - Western Serbia
- Isolation of the Pannonian basin (Central Paratethys): new constraints from magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy
- Late Campanian Rudist Assemblages and Biometrical Analysis of Pseudopolyconites from Bačevica (Eastern Serbia)
- Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous ammonoids (Cephalopoda) from Milivojevića Kamenjar, Družetić (NW Serbia) and their stratigraphy
- Latest Permian foraminifers from the Vlasic mountain area, northwestern Serbia
- Lower Triassic (Olenekian) microfauna from Jadar Block (Gučevo Mt., NW Serbia)
- Mineral deposits and mining districts of Serbia
- Mineral deposits of Serbia - Ore deposit database
- Mining districts of Serbia
- New data on the age of the low-grade metamorphic complexes in Stara planina Mts., NW Bulgaria and Eastern Serbia
- New paleomagnetic results for Tertiary magmatic rocks of Fruška Gora, Serbia
- Oil Shale Potential in Serbia
- Onset and demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform in the mélange areas of the Zlatibor Mountain (Sirogojno, SW Serbia)
- Open-marine Hallstatt Limestones reworked in the Jurassic Zlatar Mélange (SW Serbia): a contribution to understanding the orogenic evolution of the Inner Dinarides
- Ophiolites of the Vardar Zone and the Dinarides: Central and West Serbia
- Ostracod fauna from Late Permian of Jadar Block (Vardar Zone, NW Serbia)
- Stratigraphic-Structural Characteristics of Mačva Basin
- Tectonic Setting Of The Vardar Suture Zone (Dinaric-Hellenic Belt): The Example Of The Kopaonik Area (Southern Serbia)
- Trans-border (east Serbia/west Bulgaria) correlation of the Jurassic sediments: Main Jurassic paleogeographic units
- Trans-border (east Serbia/west Bulgaria) correlation of the morpho-tectonic structures
- Trans-border (north-east Serbia/north-west Bulgaria) correlations of the Jurassic lithostratigraphic units
- Trans-border (South-Eastern Serbia/South-Western Bulgaria) correlations of the Jurassic sediments: The Getic and Supra-Getic units
- Triassic-Jurassic geodynamic history of the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt (Inner Dinarides, SW Serbia). (AlpineWorkshop2017, Field-trip Guidebook)
- Triassic metasediments in the internal Dinarides (Kopaonik area, southern Serbia): Stratigraphy, paleogeographic and tectonic significance
- Triassic radiolarite and carbonate components from a Jurassic ophiolitic mélange (Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt)
- Upper Barremian-Lower Aptian Urgonian Limestones in the Rakova Bara Section (Carpatho-Balkanides, NE Serbia): Analysis and Comparison with Adjacent Areas
- Upper Miocene fauna of Orešac near Smederevo (Serbia)
- Upper Miocene Lake Pannon marl from the Filijala Open Pit (Beočin, northern Serbia): new geological and paleomagnetic data
- Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic radiolarians from the ophiolitic mélange of the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt, SW Serbia
- Geological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Science
- Geological Survey of Slovak Republic
- Biostratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous of the Manin Unit (Butkov Quarry, Strazovcske Vrchy Mts., Western Carpathians)
- Classic localities in the Central Slovakian Volcanic Field: Gold, silver and base metal mineralizations and mining history at Banská Štiavnica and Kremnica Field Trip Guide
- Devínska Kobyla – a window into the Middle Miocene shallow-water marine environments of the Central Paratethys (Vienna Basin, Slovakia)
- Physical and biological properties of the Late Miocene, long-lived Turiec Basin Western Carpathians (Slovakia) and its paleobiotopes
- Rock-forming and accessory minerals as tracers of magmatic and metamorphic evolution in the main tectonic units of the Western Carpathians Field Trip Guide
- Slovak Ore Mountains: Hydrothermal mineralization and environmental impacts of mining Field Trip Guide
- Slovakia - Geology & Geomorfology
- Stratigraphic position of alkaline volcanic rocks in the autochthonous cover of the High-Tatric Unit (Western Tatra Mts., Central Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
- Geological Survey of Slovenia
- Ivan Rakovec Institute of Palaeontology
- Biostratigrafija miocena v Slovenskih goricah
- Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation of the Outer Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro)
- Early Oligocene Continental Climate of the Palaeogene Basin (Hungary and Slovenia) and the Surrounding Area
- Fosili Slovenije
- Gravity-flow Deposits In The Toarcian Perbla Formation (slovenian Basin, Nw Slovenia)
- Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of the Julian Alps, NW Slovenia
- Lower Cretaceous Shallow-Marine Sedimentation and Biota on Dinaric Carbonate Platform between Logatec, Krka and Kolpa (Southeastern Slovenia)
- Microfacies characteristics of the Lower Jurassic lithiotid limestone from northern Adriatic carbonate platform (central Slovenia)
- Selected ore deposits, igneous and metamorphic rocks from the Eastern Alps, Slovenia Field Trip Guide
- Geological Society of Spain
- A complementary section for the proposed Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) global stratotype: The Almonacid de la Cuba section (Spain)
- Asociación Cultural Paleontológica Murciana
- Bartonian-Priabonian marine record of the eastern South Pyrenean Foreland Basin (NE Spain): A new calibration of the larger foraminifers and calcareous nannofossil biozonation
- BIGPI - Base de dades de geologia de la Península Iberica
- Bivalves from the Triassic-Jurassic transition in Northern Spain (Asturias and Western Basque-Cantabrian Basin)
- Catalonian, Eastern Betic, and Balearic Margins: Structural Types and Geologically Recent Foundering of the Western Mediterranean Basin
- Cuaternario Cantabrico
- Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) mass extinction linked to warming in Northern and Central Spain. Comparison with other sections of Western Europe
- Facies associations, sequence stratigraphy and timing of the earliest Jurassic peak transgression in central Spain (Iberian Range): Correlation with other Lower Jurassic sections
- Formació de Catalunya - Geologia
- Fósiles Cretácicos de Merinda, Burgos
- Fossils de Catalunya
- Geologia des de Mallorca
- Jurassic of Iberia and Pery-Tethyan Basins - Spanish Mesozoic Group - the IVth Meeting on Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Spanish Jurassic
- Late burial, hydrothermal dolomitization of the Cambrian Láncara Fm., Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain): origin of the dolomitizing fluid and relation to the geodynamic setting
- Late-orogenic extension and strike-slip deformation in the Neogene of southeastern Spain
- Le Crétacé inférieur de la Costa Blanca au Nord-Est d'Alicante
- Long-period eccentricity control on sedimentary sequences in the continental Madrid Basin (middle Miocene, Spain)
- Long-term landscape evolution, cooling and exhumation history of Variscan rocks in the western Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain)
- Los Fósiles de la Merindad de Montija
- Middle Jurassic Eastern Margin of the Iberian platform system (Eastern Spain). Palaeogeography and biodispersal routes of ammonoids
- Mineral, fluid and thermal evolution in veins from late orogenic coal basins of the Cantabrian Zone (Variscan, NW Spain)
- Minerales de Espana
- Neogene stratigraphy of the Western Guadalquivir basin (Southern Spain)
- Neoproterozoic to Holocene tectonothermal evolution of the southern Cantabrian Mountains NW Iberia, revealed by apatite fission-track thermochronology
- Northwestern Iberian Margin: A Cretaceous Passive Margin Deformed During Eocene (1)
- Numerical Modeling as a Means to Enhance Genetic Sedimentary Basin Interpretation : A Case Study of the Southern Cantabrian Basin (NW Spain)
- On the late Miocene closure of the Mediterranean - Atlantic gateway through the Guadix basin (southern Spain)
- Palaeoclimatic oscillations in the Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) of the Asturian Basin (Northern Spain)
- Parc Naturel de la zone volcanique de la Garrotxa
- Relation between Syn-sedimentary deformation, Contractional Structures and Fracture Systems in the North-eastern Ainsa Basin, Pyrenees, Spain
- Rocas de Galicia
- Rotation of Iberia during the Aptian and consequences for pervasive Cretaceous remagnetization
- Sedimentary evolution of an Aptian syn-rift carbonate system (Maestrat Basin, E Spain): effects of accommodation and environmental change
- Seismotectonic characterization of the Becerreá area (NW Spain)
- Spanish Fossils Gallery
- Structural Development of the Ypresian - Lutetian Sequence of the northeastern Ainsa Basin, Pyrenees, Spain
- Structural evolution of the Pico del Águila anticline (External Sierras, southern Pyrenees) derived from sandbox, numerical and 3D structural modelling techniques
- Tectonic control for evaporite formation in the Eastern Betics (Tortonian; Spain)
- Triassic–Jurassic boundary in Asturias (northern Spain): Palynological characterisation and facies
- Ultrapotassic volcanic centres as potential paleogeographic indicators:The Mediterranean Tortonian 'salinity crisis', southern Spain
- Upper Jurassic-Lowest Cretaceous Limestones Dredged From the Western Galicia Margin
- Valencia Trough (Offshore Spain): Petroleum Systems and Play Types
- Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)
- Gotland Geologic Association
- Center of 'Orsten' Research and Exploration
- Depositional Environment and Facies Architecture of the Lower to Middle Ordovician Carbonate Ramp Succession, Öland, Southern Sweden
- Jurassic of Skåne, southern Sweden
- Lower and middle Cambrian of Sweden: trilobites, biostratigraphy and intercontinental correlation
- Rhaetian and Jurassic plants of Scania
- Stockholms Amatörgeologiska Sällskap
- Federal Office of Water and Geology
- Swiss Geological Society
- A fourth St. Gallen Formation cycle (?) in the Karpatian Upper Marine Molasse of central Switzerland
- Eocene-Pliocene time scale and stratigraphy of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) and the Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB)
- Excursion Géologique au Valais
- Facies and basin architecture of the Late Carboniferous Salvan-Dorénaz continental basin (Western Alps, Switzerland /France)
- From sauropods to cycads – The Late Jurassic terrestrial record of the Swiss Jura Mountains
- Late Oxfordian to Late Kimmeridgian carbonate deposits of NW Switzerland (Swiss Jura): stratigraphical and palaeogeographical implications in the transition area between the Paris Basin and the Tethys
- PaleoJura
- Tectonics of the Western Swiss Molasse Basin during Cenozoic Times
- Aulacogens, the Donets Basin (Eastern Ukraine, Southwestern Russia), and the new classification of rifts: Towards a proper terminology
- Badenian (Middle Miocene) echinoids and starfish from western Ukraine, and their biogeographic and stratigraphic significance
- Carboniferous buildups in the Donets Basin (Ukraine)
- Dinoflagellate cyst, palynofacies and foraminiferal records of environmental changes related to the Late Badenian (Middle Miocene) transgression at Kudryntsi (Western Ukraine)
- Facies of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous sediments in the basement of the Carpathian Foredeep (western Ukraine)
- Faunal dynamics across the Silurian–Devonian positive isotope excursions (δ13C, δ18O) in Podolia, Ukraine: Comparative analysis of the Ireviken and Klonk events
- Foraminifera from the Transition Beds Between Lower and Upper Cretaceous in the Ukrainian Carpathians
- Medobory Hills (Ukraine): Middle Miocene reef systems in the Paratethys, Their biological diversity and litofacies
- Middle Miocene deposits in Carpathian foredeep: Facies analysis and implications for hydrocarbon reservoir prospecting
- Middle Miocene of the Fore-Carpathian Basin (Poland, Ukraine and Moldova)
- Palynology and microfacies of Lower Devonian mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deposits in Podolia, Ukraine
- Petrographic characteristic of the Middle Miocene sediments in the Ukrainian segment of the Carpathian Foredeep
- Sedimentary geology of the Middle Carboniferous of the Donbas region (Dniepr-Donets Basin, Ukraine)
- Ukrainian geology and geomorphology
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Great Britain