- Académie de Rennes - SVT - Otolithes
- Checklist of the fossil fish otoliths in the Department of Palaeontology and Geology, Hungarian Natural History Museum
- Combined Otolith Morphology and Morphometry for Assessing Taxonomy and Diversity in Fossil and Extant Killifish (Aphanius, Prolebias)
- Cretaceous fish otoliths – a synthesis of the North American record
- Fish otoliths from the Messinian of Strada degli Archi (Tuscany, Italy) - Taxonomy and paleoecology
- Fish otoliths from the Paleocene of Denmark
- Fish otoliths from the pre-evaporitic Early Messinian of northern Italy: Their stratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic significance
- Fish otoliths from the Ypresian (early Eocene) of Vastan, Gujarat, India
- LASAA (Laboratoire étudiant les Otolithes)
- Late Miocene (Pannonian) sciaenid fish otoliths from Hungary – preliminary studies
- Lower Badenian fish otoliths of the Styrian and Lavanttal Basins, with a revision of Weinfurter´s type material
- Marquage des otolithes
- Mineralogy of the otoliths of naked carp Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler) from Lake Qinghai and its Sr/Ca potential implications for migratory pattern
- Nannoplankton und Fisch-Otolithen in den Mittleren Pechelbronn-Schichten (Unter-Oligozän, Oberrheingraben/ Mainzer Becken)
- Otolith Research Laboratory
- Otolithe - La pierre de l'oreille
- Otholites
- Otolithes fossiles & actuelles
- Paleobathymetric interpretation of the fish otoliths from the Lower - Middle Quaternary deposits of Kephallonia and Zakynthos islands (Ionian Sea, Western Greece)
- Reconstruction of Oligocene and Neogene freshwater fish faunas—an actualistic study on cypriniform otoliths